Nicholas Le Novere

Authored Pathways (15/15)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2004-03-31 R-HSA-111885 Opioid Signalling BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-202040 G-protein activation BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-180024 DARPP-32 events BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-112040 G-protein mediated events BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-170670 Adenylate cyclase inhibitory pathway BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-111957 Cam-PDE 1 activation BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-111932 CaMK IV-mediated phosphorylation of CREB BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-163615 PKA activation BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-111931 PKA-mediated phosphorylation of CREB BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-111933 Calmodulin induced events BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-111997 CaM pathway BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-170660 Adenylate cyclase activating pathway BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-111995 phospho-PLA2 pathway BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-111996 Ca-dependent events BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-112043 PLC beta mediated events BibTex
Authored Reactions (15/60)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2004-03-31 R-HSA-167419 The receptor:G-protein complex releases GDP BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-167429 The receptor:G-protein complex binds GTP BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-112271 The receptor:G-protein complex dissociates BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-167415 G-protein alpha subunit is inactivated BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-167433 G-protein beta-gamma subunits rebind the alpha-GDP subunit BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-167408 The high affinity receptor complex binds to G-protein BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-112042 Opioid binds MOR BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-201790 DARPP-32 is dephosphorylated on Thr75 by PP2A BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-180047 CDK5 phosphorylates DARPP-32 on Thr75 BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-180073 DARPP-32 phosphorylated on Thr75 binds to PKA, inhibiting its function BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-111962 PDE4A,C,D hydrolyse cAMP BibTex
2004-03-31 R-RNO-201760 Ppp3 complex dephosphorylates DARPP-32 on T34 BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-201787 PPP3 complex dephosphorylates DARPP-32 on Thr34 BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-9644869 p-S54-PDE4B hydrolyses cAMP BibTex
2004-03-31 R-HSA-177284 PKA phosphorylates PDE4B BibTex
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