Here is a list of all the Reactome talks, poster presentations, training events and workshops
American Society of Health Genomics, November 5-9th, 2024.
Past Events:
NIH Bioinformatics "CCR Collaborative Bioinformatics Resource (CCBR)" Virtual Meeting, Jan 9 2024
Keystone Symposia: Single-Cell Biology: Tissue Genomics, Technology and Disease, Jan 21-24 2024. Poster
NIH Bioinformatics Training and Education Program Virtual Meeting, Feb14 2024 Link to recording.
EMBL-EBI Training: Introduction to RNA-seq and functional interpretation, Feb 24 2024
Keystone Symposia: Systems and Engineered Biology. The Reactome Knowledgebase: a resource for systems immunology and innate immunity research April 9, 2024. Poster.
National Library of Medicine Bioinformatics and Clinical Informatics Program Fellowship, April 18, 2024
17th Annual International Biocuration Conference, March 5-8 2024
The Annual Genetics Conference: TAGC Washington DC, March 6-10 2024
EMBL-EBI Training: Introduction to multi-omics data integration and visualisation, March 7 2024
EMBL-EBI Training: Reactome: from hierarchical pathway diagrams to multi-omics analysis of public data, March 25 2024
African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: Introduction of Reactome and IntAct, April 2024
EMBL-EBI Training: Data-driven approaches to understanding dementia, April 12 2024
EMBL-EBI Training: Introduction to metabolomics analysis, May 17 2024
CANSSI Research Day, May 22 2024
Microbiology and Infectious Disease Day, June 10-11, 2024.
Boston Festival of Genomics, June 12-13, 2024.
EMBL-EBI Training: Bioinformatics for immunologists, July 3 2024
ISMB 2024, BOSC track, July 12-17 2024
ISMB 2024: BioInfo Core "AI and LLMs in cores: how are we using them now?" July 12-17 2024
ISMB 2024, NIH ODSS track, July 12-17 2024
EMBL-EBI Training: Proteomics bioinformatics, July 19 2024
Society of Developmental Biology Meeting, July 17 2024. Poster
Online Webinar for Front Line Genomics: Integrative Multi-omics using July 17, 2024, Reactome GSA. Link to Recording.
Bits in Bio Virtual Mixer, August 15th, 2024. Link to register. Link to recording.
ACM KDD 2024, Barcelona, August 25-29, 2024.
London Festival of Genomics: A FAIR Biodata Analysis Resource in Practice: The Reactome Database of Curated Biomolecular Pathways
EMBL-EBI Training Workshop: Introduction of RNA-seq and functional interpretation: Exploring biological pathways
EMBL-EBI Training Workshop: Reactome Introduction
EMBL-EBI Training Workshop: Multiomics comparative pathway analysis using Reactome analysis tools and pathway browser
EMBL-EBI Training Workshop: Network Context for Large Scale Biology
Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology: Disease representation in Reactome
University of Padova: Community SARS-CoV-2 Curation Driven Emergent Experiences- Increased Curation Efficiency and Learned Lessons for the Future
EMBL-EBI Training Workshop: Bioinformatics resources for protein biology
EMBL-EBI Training Workshop: Reactome Introduction
HUPO 2023: Reactome Disease Representation
CNHUPO: Network Context for Large Scale Biology
UniAndes: Reactome Introduction
EMBL-EBI network resources
ISCB RSGDream2024 Conference. Link. Poster.
University of Toronto: Medicine By Design
CSHL: Genome Informatics Meeting
Virtual IDG meeting
Bioinformatics Resources for Protein Biology
Introduction to RNA-Seq and functional interpretation
Virtual IDG meeting
CSHL Network Biology
GO Consortium Meeting
CBW Pathway and Network Analysis
CBW Cancer Analysis
ISMB 2021
FASEB 2021
ReactomeGSA training workshop
GO Consortium Meeting
COVID-19 Disease Map Group Meeting
Face-to-Face IDG meeting
Introduction to RNA-Seq and Functional Interpretation
Bioinformatics Resources for Protein Biology
CABANA seminar
GO Consortium meeting
Mathematics of Life
Bioinformatics Community Conference
Proteomics Society of India
HUPO conference Training day
ASHG 2020 Meeting
COVID-19 Disease Map Group
2020 Disease Maps Community Meeting
ISMB 2020
ECCB 2020
Bioinformatics Resources for Protein Biology, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK, 28 February
Society of Toxicology, Baltimore, MD, USA, 12 March
VIZBI, EMBO, Heidelberg, Germany, 13-15 March
Bioinformatics Resources for Protein Biology, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK, 28 March
GO Consortium Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 11-12 April
Biocuration 2019, Cambridge, UK, 8 April
Bioinformatics resources for protein biology, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 1 May
Biophysical Society Meeting, Baltimore, USA, 3 May
ProteoNet Milan, ProteoNet Milan, Milan, Italy, 4 May
American Society of Human Genetics, Houston, TX, USA, 15-19 Oct
Cancer Moonshot Collaborative Meeting, NCI, DC, USA, 19-20 Nov
ASCB-EMBO 2019 Meeting, NCI, DC, USA, 7-11 Dec
EMBL-EBI Industry Programme Workshop, Pfizer, La Jolla, CA, USA, 7-8 February
CBW Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics, CSHL, NY 12-17 March
Interactions and Pathways, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK, 13 March
Biocuration 2018, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 04-08 April
GO Consortium Meeting, NYUMC, New York, USA, 12-14 May 2018
International Proteogenome Workshop, University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 13 May
University of Chongqing, Chongqing, China, 13 May
Network and Pathways, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK, 17 May
Disease Maps Community Meeting, Institut Curie, Paris, France, 21 June
CBW Pathway and Network Analysis of Omics Data, Toronto, ON, Canada, 25-27 June
ISMB 2018, N/A, Chicago, IL, USA, 6-10 July
British Society for Proteome Research, Bradford, UK, 10 July
Proteomics Bioinformatics, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK, 20 July
Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain, 27 July
GlyGen consortium, USA, September 4
Italian Proteomics Association 2018, Como, Italy, 5-7 September
ECCB 2018, Athens, Greece, 8-12 September
EMBL-EBI Industry Programme Workshop, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK, 17 September
Computational systems biology of cancer, Institut Curie, Paris, France, 24 September
HUPO 2018, Orlando, USA, 30 September - 3 October
Bioinformatics & Functional Genomics in Zebrafish, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK, 17 September
CABANA, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK, 6 November
WikiPathways Summit 2018, UCSF, San Francisco, USA, 8-10 November
Chinese Human Proteome Organisation Conference, Guangzhou, China, 16 November
GO Consortium Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 17-19 November 2018
Train Malta, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK, 19 November
Boehringer Ingelheim, Ridge Field, CT, USA, 31 November 2018
GO Ontology Editors, Geneva, Switzerland, 10-13 December
Pathway and Network Analysis of -omics Data (2017), OICR, Toronto, Canada, 26-28 June
Neo4j Life & Health Sciences Day, Berlin, Germany, 21 June
Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics (2017), OICR, Toronto, Canada, 29 May – 2 June
3rd BiVi Annual Meeting, Edinburgh Napier University, UK, 20-21 April
Biocuration 2017, Stanford University, US, 26-29 March
High-Throughput Biology: From Sequence to Networks, CSHL, Cold Spring Harbor, US, 20-26 March
EBI Training Workshop, Hinxton, UK, 9 March
Interactions and Pathways – Reactome Workshop, Cambridge University, UK, 2 February
Proteomics bioinformatics, Hinxton, UK, 5 December
Data sharing Best Practice workshop, EMBL-ABR, Australia, 24-28 October
ECCB 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5-6 September
BioNetVisA Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4 September
Integrating Interactions and Pathways, Hinxton, UK, 22 July
PI seminar series, National Center for Protein Sciences Beijing, China, 21 July
Reactome webinar (live), Hinxton, UK, 22 June
SAC seminar series: Harvesting and analysing proteomics big data, Hinxton, UK, 15 June
Pathway and Network Analysis of -omics Data, OICR, Toronto, 13-15 June
Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics, OICR, Toronto, 30 May – 2 June
CNHUPO, Xiamen University, China, 23 May
Reactome, IMEx, ProteomeXchange, Tsinghua University, China, 17 May
GLBIO/CCBC 2016, University of Toronto, Canada, 16-19 May
Reactome web services and widgets for third-party integration, UV, Spain, 12 May
Networks and Pathways 2016, Hinxton, 12 May
Data integration, analysis and visualisation. Experiences from a biological pathway database, UDC, Spain, 25 April
251st American Chemical Society National Meeting Exposition, San Diego, 13-16 March
SME Industry Forum, Hinxton, UK, 7 March
Bioinformatics Resources for Protein Biology, Hinxton, UK, 2 February
Pathways Overview Widget, Hinxton, 30 January
Diagram Widget Training Session, Hinxton, 30 January
WGC Advanced Course: Proteomics Bioinformatics, Hinxton, UK, 11 December
MiMS / NDPIA Bioinformatics Workshop – Umea, Hinxton, UK, 10-14 November
Networks & Pathways, Hinxton, UK, 5 November
Interactions & Pathways – Reactome, Cambridge, UK, 3 November
Pathway and Network Analysis Workshop, Liverpool, UK, 1 November
EBI Open Day, Hinxton, UK, 29 October
EBI VI Argentinian Conference of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CAB2C), Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 13 October
EBI Bioinformatics Roadshow, Campinas, Brazil, 5 August
EBI Bioinformatics Roadshow, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 31 July
Reactome Webinar, Toronto, Canada, July 24
Reactome SOT Webinar, New York, USA, 15 June
Pathway and Network Analysis of –omics Data, Toronto, Canada, 1-3 June
Royal Vet College, London, UK, 28 May
Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics, Toronto, Canada, 25-29 May
Reactome Exploring and Analysing Biological Pathways, Hinxton, UK, 12 May
Reactome: Networks and Pathways, Toronto, Canada, 6 May
Reactome Webinar, Hinxton, UK, 6 May
High-Throughput Biology: From Sequence to Networks, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and the New York Genome Center, New York, USA, 27 April – 3 May
EBI Industry Workshop, Boston, USA, April 1-2, 2015
Reactome Webinar, Toronto, Canada, March 26, 2015
Introduction to EBI, Cambridge, UK, 16 February
ACSB 2014, Philadelphia, USA, 6-10 December
Wellcome Trust Bioinformatics Course, Hinxton, UK, 14 November
Cambridge University Computer Training, University of Cambridge, UK, 22 October
EBI Open Day, Hinxton, UK, 16 October
Argentinian Bioinformatics Workshop, University of San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1 October
ECCB 2014: The 13th European Conference on Computational Biology, Strasbourg, France, 7-10 September
BioNetVisA 2014, Strasbourg, France, 6 September
Proteomics Data, Functional Analysis and Dissemination, Strasbourg, France, 6 September
Aveiro Roadshow, University of Aveiro, Portugal, 23 July
ProteomeXchange/Reactome, NIDDK, USA, 19 June
Functional Genomics and Systems Biology, WTSI, Hinxton, UK, 12 June
Networks & Pathways, Hinxton, UK, 12 June
ProteomeXchange/Reactome, NHLBI, USA, 12 June
IOCB AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic, 4 June
Networks and Pathways Course, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 23 May
ORCID Outreach Meeting, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA, 21-22 May
PAG Asia, Singapore, Republic of Singapore, 21 May
Leiden Students Day, Hinxton, UK, 28 April
diXa: Functional Interpretation of Toxicogenomic Data, Hinxton, UK, 10 April
Biocuration 2014, Toronto University, Canada, 9 April
SME forum, Hinxton, UK, 6 March
Reactome Course, Cambridge University Dept. of Genetics, UK, 24 January
Plant & Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, USA, 12 January
Canadian Cancer Research Conference, CCRC, 3-6 November, Toronto, Canada
GOC Meeting, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA, October 4-6, 2013
ISSX 10th International Meeting, ISSX, Toronto, Canada, 29 October-3 November
EMBO Meeting, EMBO, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 21-23 October
Bioinformatics for Immunologists, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 5 September
SciKnowMine Release Workshop – Bridging BioNLP and Biocuration, USC Viterbi ISI, Los Angeles, USA, 19 August
ISMB/ISMB – The Art and Science Exhibit, ISMB, Berlin, Germany, 21-23 July
NetBioSIG, Berlin, Germany, 19 July
Networks & Pathways, EBI, Cambridge, UK, 11 July
Gordon Conference Elastin & Elastic Fibers, University of New England, Biddeford, USA, 22 July
Summer School of Bioinformatics, EBI, Cambridge, UK, 12 June
UCL, London, UCL, London, UK, 30 May
University of Rome, Tor Vergata (Rome 2), Rome, Italy, 7 May
University of Singapore, Singapore, 20 March
CAGE-KID Cancer Genomics Workshop, CAGE-KID/EBI, 22 March, UK
SBGN Workshop, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 29 April-2 May
GenomeSpace Collaboration, BROAD Institute, Cambridge, USA, 26 March
CAGE-KID Cancer Genomics Workshop, EBI, Cambridge, UK, 22 March
EBI Open day, EBI, Cambridge, UK, 14 March
International Plant & Animal Genome XXI, San Diego, USA, 13 January
Nimbios Workshop, University of Tennesse, Tennesse, USA, 8-10 January
EBI Open Day, EBI, Cambridge, UK, 20 December
HPH 2012, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Havana, Cuba, 9 December
TCAG Analysis Group, TCAG, Washington, DC, USA, 27 November
Toronto Bioinformatics User Group, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 31 October
Cambridge University, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 24 October
Randall Lad, KCL, Randall Lad, King’s College London, London, UK, 23 October
Google Summer of Code Open Software Meeting, Google, Mountain View, USA, 21 October
The Jackson Laboratory, Maine, The Jackson Laboratory, Maine, Bar Harbor, USA, 19 October
Norwestern University Chicago, Norwestern University, Chicago, USA, 17 October
Workshop on the Concept and Tools for Pathways of Toxicity (PoT), John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, 10 October
Programmatic Access to EBI Proteomics Resources, EBI, Hinxton, UK, 4 October
University of Leicester/B/BASH, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, 12 September
Animal Biotechnology Workshop, EBI, Hinxton, UK, 13 September
COMBINE 2012, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 18 August
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 25 July
Division of Translational Research, National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwanoha, Tokyo University, Kashiwanoha, Japan, 13 July
Department of Medical Genome Sciences, Kashiwanoha campus, Tokyo University, Kashiwanoha, Japan, 12 July
Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, Shirokanedai campus, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 11 July
Current and Future in Pathway Research International Workshop, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KISTI), Daejeon, South Korea, 6 July
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 13 June
OICR, Toronto, Canada, 12 June
Ontologies for Immunity and Infectious Disease, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, USA, 11-13 June
HARMONY Hackathon, Department of Bioinformatics – BiGCaT, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 21 May
Networks and Pathways Bioinformatics for Biologists, EBI, Hinxton, UK, 18 May
6th Biocuration Conference, University of Georgetown, Washington, USA, 2-4 April
Perspectives in Clinical Proteomics Training Workshop, EBI, Hinxton, UK, 17 March
Fobiotech Meeting, Fobiotech, Torino, Italy, 5 March
GO Consortium Annotation Meeting, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, 26-28 February
Reactome Outreach, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 17 February
Canadian Cancer Research Conference, Toronto, Canada, 27-30 November
X-Meeting 2011, Florianopolis, Brazil, 12-15 October
PSIMEx Workshop: Interactions and Pathways, Lausanne, Switzerland, 6-7 October
AlzForum / PRO workshop, Buffalo, USA, 4-5 October
COMBINE 2011, Heidelberg, Germany, 3-7 September
OICR Reactome Workshop, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, 4 August
OICR Reactome Workshop, University of Kingston, Kingston, Canada, 3 August.
Network Biology SIG, ISMB/ECCB 2011, Vienna, Austria, 15 July.
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Warsaw, Poland, 15 July
9th Poznan Summer School of Bioinformatics, Poznan, Poland, 11-15 July
OICR-OGI Pathway Workshop, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, 2-3 June
EBI Roadshow, University of Düsseldorf & Center for Neuronal Regenaration, Düsseldorf, Germany, 15-17 March.
EBI Roadshow, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, 7-8 March
EBI Roadshow, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, 2-3 March
EBI Roadshow, Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura (CEBAS)-CSIC, Murcia, Spain, 1-3 February
EBI Workshop, City of Hope, Duarte, California, United States, 20-21 January
Joint EBI-Wellcome Trust Proteomics Workshop, Hinxton, UK, 13-17 December
Introduction to Bioinformatics at the EBI, Dept. of Genetics Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 30 November
EBI Roadshow, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, 15-18 November
EBI Roadshow, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London, UK, 15-19 November
EBI Roadshow, Vilnius Institute of Biotechnology, Vilnius, Liuania, 4-5 November
Predoc Training Course, EMBL Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 2 November
EMBL-EBI Open Day, Hinxton, UK, 2 November
EBI Roadshow, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey, 12-14 October
COMBINE 2010, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 6-9 October
EBI Roadshow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Bratislava, Slovakia, 6-7 October
EBI Roadshow, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany, 24-25 September
Protein databases and tools from the EBI, Dept. of Genetics Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 20-21 September
OICR Scientific Information Resource Interoperability Symposium (OSIRIS), Toronto, Canada, 15 October
7th International Conference Data Integration in e Life Sciences conference, Goenburg, Sweden, 25-27 August
12th UK Meeting on Platelets/12th Erfurt Conference on Platelets, Nottingham, UK, 15-16 July
BSPR/EBI Educational Workshop – Quantitative Proteomics, Hinxton, UK, 15-16 July
18 Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2010), Boston, USA, July 11 – 13
EBI Roadshow, Teleon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Naples, Italy, 1-2 July
35 FEBS Congress, Gotenborg Convention Centre, Goenburg, Sweden, 26 June – 1 July
Joint EBI-Wellcome Trust Summer School in Bioinformatics, Hinxton, UK, 14 – 18 June
EBI Roadshow, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2 June
5th Canadian Conference on Ovarian Cancer Research, Toronto, Canada, 15 – 18 May
ELLS LearningLab, EMBL Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 10-12 May
97th AAI Annual Meeting Immunology 2010, Baltimore, USA, 7 – 11 May
EBI Roadshow, North East USA, Chicago, USA, 26-27 April
LipidomicNet Bioinformatics Workshop, Cambridge, UK, 26-27 April
3nd Annual Protein Ontology Meeting, Newark, USA, April 26 – 28
EBI Roadshow, University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, April 15-16
EBI Roadshow, Institut für Molekulare Enzymtechnologie (IMET), Aachen, Germany, 13-14 April
EBI Roadshow, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy, 7-9 April
Gene Ontology Consortium Meeting, Palo Alto, USA, 30 – 31 March
Plant Bioinformatics, Hinxton, UK, 29-31 March
International Symposium for Integrative Bioinformatics, Cambridge, UK, 22-24 March
Perspectives in Clinical Proteomics Training Workshop, Hinxton, UK, 18-19 March
Keystone Symposia: Biomolecular Interaction Networks: Function and Disease, Quebec City, Canada, 7 – 12 March
49th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Salt Lake City, USA, 7 – 11 March
EBI Open Day, Hinxton, UK, 4 March
Therapeutic Applications of Computational Biology and Chemistry: TACBAC 2010, Hinxton, UK, 1-3 March
OICR Annual Scientific Meeting 2010, Nottawasaga, Canada, 28 February – 2 March
EBI Roadshow, Jozef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Llubljana, Slovenia, 16-18 February
EBI Roadshow, Gulbenkian Institute, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-11 February
Bloodomics 2 Workshop & Meeting Madingley Hall, Cambridge, UK, 5 February
ENFIN Fif Annual General Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 3-5 February
EBI Roadshow, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK, 3-4 February
CIP-MCMM Bioinformatics Workshop, Toronto, Canada, 21 January
Plant & Animal Genomes XVIII Conference, San Diego, USA, 9 – 13 January
OGI-OICR Reactome Webinar, Toronto, Canada, 17 December
NIH 7th Symposium on the Functional Genomics of Critical Illness & Injury, Bethesda, USA, 7 December
Functional Genomics & Systems Biology Workshop, Hinxton, UK, 30 November – 2 December
Rb International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 19 – 21 November
BioPAX Hackathon and Workshop, New York, USA, 11 – 13 November
Bloodomics 2 Student Workshop & Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 11 – 12 November
Joint EBI-Wellcome Trust Proteomics Workshop, Hinxton, UK, 9 – 13 November
CSHL Genome Informatics Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, USA, 27 – 30 October
Oeiras – PaProt II Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 13 – 15 October
Enfin EMBRACE Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, 4 – 6 October
Gene Ontology Consortium Meeting, Cambridge UK, 23 – 25 September
5th Metabolomics Meeting, Edmonton, Canada, 30 August – 2 September
Cancer Proteomics 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 8 – 11 June
TCGA Ovarian Analysis Workshop, Berkeley, USA, 21 – 22 May
3rd International Biocuration Conference, Berlin, Germany, 16 – 19 April
Gene Ontology Consortium Meeting, Eugene, USA, 30 – 31 March
Semantic Enrichment of the Scientific Literature 2009 (SESL 2009), 30 – 31 Hinxton, UK, March
OICR Annual Scientific Meeting, Nottawasaga, Canada, 22 – 24 February