Philippe Fort

Centre de Recherche en Biologie cellulaire de Montpellier (CRBM)
Reviewed Pathways (15/24)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9706019 RHOBTB3 ATPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9012999 RHO GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9696273 RND1 GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9013420 RHOU GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9013423 RAC3 GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9013409 RHOJ GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9013408 RHOG GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9013026 RHOB GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9035034 RHOF GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9013149 RAC1 GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9013405 RHOD GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9013404 RAC2 GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9013148 CDC42 GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9013407 RHOH GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9013406 RHOQ GTPase cycle BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/92)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9706390 RHOBTB3 binds interacting proteins at trans-Golgi network BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9706393 RHOBTB3 binds ATP BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9706399 RHOBTB3 hydrolyzes ATP BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-5627072 RHOQ binds GOPC:CFTR BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9018836 RHOQ translocates to the Golgi-associated vesicle membranes BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9018747 RHOQ GEFs activate RHOQ BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9696274 RND1 binds GTP BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9696271 RND1 binds effectors BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9018766 RHOU binds effectors at the plasma membrane BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9018768 RHOU auto-activates BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9018808 RAC3 binds effectors at the plasma membrane BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9018804 RAC3 GEFs activate RAC3 BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9714694 RAC3 translocates to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9714691 RAC3 binds ER effectors BibTex
2021-02-05 R-HSA-9018807 RAC3 GDIs block activation of RAC3 BibTex
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