Williams, MG

Authored Pathways (15/149)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408557 Selenocysteine synthesis BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408508 Metabolism of ingested SeMet, Sec, MeSec into H2Se BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408522 Selenoamino acid metabolism BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-5263617 Metabolism of ingested MeSeO2H into MeSeH BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408550 Metabolism of ingested H2SeO4 and H2SeO3 into H2Se BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408499 Formation of selenosugars for excretion BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408552 Methylation of MeSeH for excretion BibTex
2012-03-19 R-HSA-2142789 Ubiquinol biosynthesis BibTex
2012-02-24 R-HSA-2162123 Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) BibTex
2012-02-24 R-HSA-2142753 Arachidonate metabolism BibTex
2012-02-24 R-HSA-2142688 Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids BibTex
2012-02-24 R-HSA-2142816 Synthesis of (16-20)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETE) BibTex
2012-02-24 R-HSA-2142691 Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) BibTex
2012-02-24 R-HSA-2142696 Synthesis of Hepoxilins (HX) and Trioxilins (TrX) BibTex
2012-02-24 R-HSA-2142670 Synthesis of epoxy (EET) and dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acids (DHET) BibTex
Authored Reactions (15/618)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408529 Sec-tRNA(Sec):EEFSEC:GTP binds to 80S Ribosome BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408509 Sec-tRNA(Sec) binds to EEFSEC:GTP BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408555 Sep-tRNA(Sec) is converted to Sec-tRNA(Sec) by PXLP-K284-SEPSECS tetramer BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408507 Ser-tRNA(Sec) is phosphorylated to Sep-tRNA(Sec) by PSTK BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408526 tRNA(Sec) is serylated to Ser-tRNA(Sec) by SARS dimer BibTex
2014-05-06 R-MMU-2408505 Ser-tRNA(Sec) is phosphorylated to Sep-tRNA(Sec) by Pstk BibTex
2014-05-06 R-MMU-2408515 Sec-tRNA(Sec) binds to Eefsec:GTP BibTex
2014-05-06 R-RNO-2408535 Sec-tRNA(Sec):Eefsec:GTP binds to Rpl30 BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-5333615 80S:Met-tRNAi:mRNA:SECISBP2:Sec-tRNA(Sec):EEFSEC:GTP is hydrolysed to 80S:Met-tRNAi:mRNA:SECISBP2:Sec and EEFSEC:GDP by EEFSEC BibTex
2014-05-06 R-RNO-5333610 Rpl30:Met-tRNAi:mRNA:Secisbp2:Sec-tRNA(Sec):Eefsec:GTP is hydrolysed to Rpl30:Met-tRNAi:mRNA:Secisbp2:Sec and Eefsec:GDP by Eefsec BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408551 SeMet is converted to AdoSeMet by MAT BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408524 Sec is reduced to H2Se by PXLP-K259-SCLY dimer BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408543 SeCysta is hydrolysed to Sec by PXLP-K212-CTH BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408559 SeHCys and Ser are dehydrated into SeCysta by CBS BibTex
2014-05-06 R-HSA-2408532 AdeSeHCys is hydrolysed to SeHCys by AHCY BibTex
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