James A Borowiec

NYU School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry
Authored Pathways (1/1)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2006-02-25 R-HSA-176187 Activation of ATR in response to replication stress BibTex
Authored Reactions (8/8)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2006-02-25 R-HSA-5684875 Binding of ATR:ATRIP to RPA at resected DNA DSBs BibTex
2006-02-25 R-HSA-176116 Recruitment and activation of Chk1 BibTex
2006-02-25 R-HSA-176298 Activation of claspin BibTex
2006-02-25 R-HSA-176250 Binding of ATR-ATRIP to the RPA-ssDNA complex BibTex
2006-02-25 R-HSA-176175 Stalling of DNA replication fork and RPA binding BibTex
2006-02-25 R-HSA-176318 Loading of claspin onto DNA during replication origin firing BibTex
2006-02-25 R-HSA-176264 Recruitment of the Rad9-Hus1-Rad1 complex to DNA BibTex
2006-02-25 R-HSA-176101 Recruitment of Rad17-RFC complex to DNA BibTex
Reviewed Pathways (15/65)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693548 Sensing of DNA Double Strand Breaks BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693565 Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693616 Presynaptic phase of homologous DNA pairing and strand exchange BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693579 Homologous DNA Pairing and Strand Exchange BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693568 Resolution of D-loop Structures through Holliday Junction Intermediates BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693537 Resolution of D-Loop Structures BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693554 Resolution of D-loop Structures through Synthesis-Dependent Strand Annealing (SDSA) BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693607 Processing of DNA double-strand break ends BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5685942 HDR through Homologous Recombination (HRR) BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5685938 HDR through Single Strand Annealing (SSA) BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693571 Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ) BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693606 DNA Double Strand Break Response BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5685939 HDR through MMEJ (alt-NHEJ) BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693567 HDR through Homologous Recombination (HRR) or Single Strand Annealing (SSA) BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693538 Homology Directed Repair BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/294)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5685011 ATR activation at DNA DSBs BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5684875 Binding of ATR:ATRIP to RPA at resected DNA DSBs BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693542 Association of RPA complexes with ssDNA at resected DNA DSBs BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5687758 PPP4C:PPP4R2 dephosphorylates RPA2 BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5693561 RAD51 binds BRCA2 at resected DNA DSBs BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5685230 CHEK1 phosphorylates RAD51 BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5684887 Activation of CHEK1 at resected DNA DSBs BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5684882 CHEK1 is recruited to resected DNA DSBs BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5685156 ATR phosphorylates RPA2 BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5685953 SIRT6 deacetylates RBBP8 BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5659781 BRCA1 forms a heterodimer with BARD1 BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5683930 WICH phosphorylates H2AFX on Y142 BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-75172 Formation of RAD50:MRE11 complex BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5684008 NBN binds KPNA2 BibTex
2015-06-12 R-HSA-5684006 KPNA2 translocates NBN to the nucleus BibTex
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