Inês G Castro

Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science
Reviewed Pathways (3/3)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2021-02-09 R-HSA-9715370 Miro GTPase Cycle BibTex
2021-02-09 R-HSA-9013419 RHOT2 GTPase cycle BibTex
2021-02-09 R-HSA-9013425 RHOT1 GTPase cycle BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (7/7)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2021-02-09 R-HSA-9018825 RHOT2 GEFs activate RHOT2 BibTex
2021-02-09 R-DME-9693775 Vimar activates Miro BibTex
2021-02-09 R-HSA-9018824 RHOT2 binds effectors at the mitochondrial outer membrane BibTex
2021-02-09 R-HSA-9018826 RHOT2 hydrolyzes GTP BibTex
2021-02-09 R-HSA-9018815 RHOT1 binds effectors at the mitochondrial outer membrane BibTex
2021-02-09 R-HSA-9018817 RHOT1 GEFs activate RHOT1 BibTex
2021-02-09 R-HSA-9018814 RHOT1 hydrolyzes GTP BibTex
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