Lewis L Lanier

University of California San Francisco, Department of Microbiology and Immunology and the Cancer Research Institute
Reviewed Pathways (2/2)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2424491 DAP12 signaling BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2172127 DAP12 interactions BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/34)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2396599 Recruitment of GRB2:SOS to p-5Y-LAT BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2395801 Phosphorylation of LAT by p-SYK BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2395412 Phosphorylation of SYK BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-210289 Recruitment of SYK to p-DAP12 BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2395439 Phosphorylation of DAP12 BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-210295 Interaction of DAP12 and NKG2D BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2130151 Dimerization of DAP12 BibTex
2012-08-09 R-MMU-2326808 Interaction of DAP12 and NKG2D BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2172126 DAP12 interacts with NKG2C BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-210300 Interaction of DAP12 and TREM2 BibTex
2012-08-09 R-MMU-2395436 Phosphorylation of DAP12 BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2396561 Recruitment of GADS:SLP-76 to p-5Y-LAT BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2424476 Activation of RAC1 by VAV2/3 BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2424486 Phosphorylation and activation of VAV2/VAV3 by SYK BibTex
2012-08-09 R-HSA-2424481 Recruitment of VAV and BTK to p-SLP-76 BibTex
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