Shigeru Sassa

HaploPharma Inc
Reviewed Pathways (3/3)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189483 Heme degradation BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189451 Heme biosynthesis BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189445 Metabolism of porphyrins BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/17)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189398 HMOX1 dimer, HMOX2 cleave heme BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189384 BLVRA:Zn2+, BLVRB reduce BV to BIL BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189381 BIL translocates from the cytosol to the ER lumen BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189442 ALAS condenses SUCC-CoA and Gly to form dALA BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189439 ALAD condenses 2 dALAs to form PBG BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189456 Mitochondrial dALA translocates to cytosol BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189421 CPO transforms COPRO3 to PPGEN9 BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189467 Cytosolic COPRO3 translocates to mitochondrial intermembrane space BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189425 UROD decarboxylates URO3 to COPRO3 BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189488 UROS transforms HMB to URO3 BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189406 4 PBGs bind to form HMB BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-190182 UROD decarboxylates URO1 to COPRO1 BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-190168 HMBL spontaneously transforms to URO1 BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189465 FECH binds Fe2+ to PRIN9 to form heme BibTex
2007-01-24 R-HSA-189457 Mitochondrial intermembrane PRIN9 translocates to mitochondrial matrix BibTex
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