JUNB dimer binds GZMB promoter

Stable Identifier
Reaction [binding]
Homo sapiens
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ALK+ anaplastic large cell lymphomas (ALCL) contain cytotoxic granules that express high levels of the serine protease Granzyme B (GZMB) and the pore-forming protein Perforin (PFR1) (Foss et al, 1996; d'Amore et al, 2007). Expression of GZMB is activated downstream of NPM1-ALK through the binding of AP-1 transcription factor JUNB to its cognate site in the promoter, as assessed by electrophoretic mobililty shift assay (Pearson et al, 2011). Consistent with this, mutation of the JUNB-B binding sites or knockdown of JUNB or NPM1-ALK abrogate expression of GZMB RNA or a GZMB reporter gene in ALCL cell lines (Pearson et al, 2011).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
8916967 Anaplastic large-cell lymphomas of T-cell and null-cell phenotype express cytotoxic molecules

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Blood 1996
17535098 Anaplastic large cell lymphomas: a study of 75 pediatric patients

Menin, A, Pillon, M, Bonoldi, E, Boldrini, R, Bevilacqua, P, Magro, G, Cazzavillan, S, Rosolen, A, Donofrio, V, Gambini, C, d'Amore, ES, Forni, M, Gentile, A, Alaggio, R

Pediatr Dev Pathol 2007
21326808 NPM-ALK and the JunB transcription factor regulate the expression of cytotoxic molecules in ALK-positive, anaplastic large cell lymphoma

Ingham, RJ, Bacani, JT, Lai, R, Pearson, JD, Lee, JK

Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2011
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