MITF-M-dependent TYR gene expression

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Homo sapiens
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Tyrosinase, encoded by the TYR gene, catalyzes the first two steps in the synthesis of melanin from tyrosine, the conversion of tyrosine to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) and of DOPA to DOPA quinone (reviewed in Cheli et al, 2010). Through reporter gene assays, MITF was identified as a transcriptional activator that stimulates TYR gene expression through an E-box adjacent to the transcriptional start site (Bentley et al, 1994). Subsequent studies demonstrated direct binding of MITF to the TYR promoter in human and mouse in vitro and in vivo (Bertolotto et al, 1996; Bertolotto et al, 1998 a, b; Galibert et al, 2001; Strub et al, 2011). UV-dependent upregulation of MITF appears to additionally depend on the binding of USF1 to the TYR promoter (Bertolotto et al, 1996; Bertolotto et al, 1998 a,b; Takeda et al, 1998; Galibert et al, 2001; Strub et al, 2011; reviewed in Goding and Arnheiter, 2019). MITF-M also recruits the SWI/SNF complex to the promoter, as demonstrated through co-immunoprecipitation of MITF with SWI/SNF components SMARCA4, SMARCE1 and SMARCB1 in mouse (de la Serna et al, 2006). The MITF-M-dependent transcription factor IRF4 also contributes to TYR gene expression, binding to elements in the TYR promoter to stimulate expression in a co-operative manner with MITF-M (Praetorius et al, 2013).
Literature References
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