Implications of the structure of human uridine phosphorylase 1 on the development of novel inhibitors for improving the therapeutic window of fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy

created [InstanceEdit:500432] D'Eustachio, P, 2010-02-03
dbId 500431
displayName Implications of the structure of human uridine phosphorylase 1 on the development of novel inhibitors for improving the therapeutic window of fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy
journal BMC Struct Biol
modified [InstanceEdit:500436] D'Eustachio, P, 2010-02-03
pages 14
pubMedIdentifier 19291308
schemaClass LiteratureReference
title Implications of the structure of human uridine phosphorylase 1 on the development of novel inhibitors for improving the therapeutic window of fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy
volume 9
year 2009
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