YME1L1 degrades mitochondrial intermembrane space proteins

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Reaction [uncertain]
Homo sapiens
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YME1L1 (YME1L, i-AAA) is a hexameric metalloprotease that is anchored in the inner membrane and protrudes into the mitochondrial intermembrane space (Coppola et al. 2000, Shah et al. 2000, Wai et al. 2016). Each monomer of YME1L1 contains a membrane-proximal ATPase, protein unfolding domain and a membrane-distal protease domain (inferred from the yeast homolog in Puchades et al. 2017). The substrate protein enters a central channel formed by the ATPase domains, where it is unfolded and translocated into the pore formed by the protease domains (inferred from the yeast homolog in Puchades et al. 2017). Within the protease pore, it is hydrolyzed by zinc cofactors bound to the protease domains (inferred from the yeast homolog in Puchades et al. 2017).
YME1L1 binds, unfolds, and degrades specific intermembrane space proteins, including STARD7 (Saita et al. 2018, MacVicar et al. 2019), TRIAP1 (MacVicar et al. 2019), PRELID1 (Potting et al. 2013, MacVicar et al. 2019), and CHCHD2 (also called MNRR) (Aras et al. 2020).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
23931759 TRIAP1/PRELI complexes prevent apoptosis by mediating intramitochondrial transport of phosphatidic acid

Tatsuta, T, König, T, Aaltonen, MJ, Langer, T, Wai, T, Potting, C, Haag, M

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31695197 Lipid signalling drives proteolytic rewiring of mitochondria by YME1L

Henschke, S, Tatsuta, T, Ohba, Y, Li, J, Sprenger, HG, Pasparakis, M, Schwarzer, R, Langer, T, Mayer, FC, Habich, M, Brüning, JC, Bruns, C, Zhao, Y, Riemer, J, Lindner, B, Nolte, H, Zamboni, N, Krüger, M, MacVicar, T

Nature 2019
29301859 PARL partitions the lipid transfer protein STARD7 between the cytosol and mitochondria

Tatsuta, T, Lampe, PA, Ohba, Y, König, T, Saita, S, Langer, T

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33257573 Mitochondrial Nuclear Retrograde Regulator 1 (MNRR1) rescues the cellular phenotype of MELAS by inducing homeostatic mechanisms

Zhang, K, Gladyck, S, Somayajulu-Nitu, M, Grossman, LI, Wallace, DC, Aras, S, Purandare, N

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020
Catalyst Activity

ATP-dependent peptidase activity of YME1L1:substrate protein (mitochondrial intermembrane space) [mitochondrial inner membrane]

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