Expression of KDM4E in the embryo

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Homo sapiens
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The KDM4E gene is transcribed to yield mRNA which is translated to yield protein. KDM4E, a histone demethylase, is expressed in cleavage stage embryos and expression decreases at the morula stage (Hendrickson et al. 2017). DUX4 directly activates expression of KDM4E (Hendrickson et al. 2017, Vuoristo et al. 2022).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
35402882 DUX4 is a multifunctional factor priming human embryonic genome activation

Kirjanov, I, Murakawa, Y, Katayama, S, Weltner, J, Recher, G, Nykänen, S, Johnson, MS, Huhtala, M, Lundin, K, Krjutškov, K, Otonkoski, T, Jouhilahti, EM, Paluoja, P, Hashimoto, K, Tamirat, M, Paloviita, P, Kere, J, Hydén-Granskog, C, Varjosalo, M, Tapanainen, JS, Takegami, Y, Damdimopoulos, A, Bhagat, S, Yoshihara, M, Vuoristo, S, Ranga, V, Tuuri, T, Ezer, S, Airenne, TT, Kawaji, H, Bürglin, TR, Gawriyski, L, Kanemaru, A

iScience 2022
28459457 Conserved roles of mouse DUX and human DUX4 in activating cleavage-stage genes and MERVL/HERVL retrotransposons

Peterson, CM, Lim, JW, Cairns, BR, Pflueger, C, Tapscott, SJ, Wike, CL, Grow, EJ, Hendrickson, PG, Carrell, DT, Nix, DA, Whiddon, JL, Emery, BR, Wilcox, AL, Weaver, BD, Doráis, JA

Nat Genet 2017
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