UGT1A10 transfers GlcA from UDP-GlcA to GCTN

Stable Identifier
Reaction [transition]
Homo sapiens
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Isoflavones are a class of dietary polyphenols called phytoestrogens which are found in soy and soy foods, alfalfa sprouts and red clover. They possess biological activities ranging from anticancer to cardiovascular protective effects (Zhou et al. 2016). Despite their health claims, making these compounds into chemo-preventive or chemo-therapeutic agents is complicated by their low bioavailabilities (<5%), the result of extensive first-pass metabolism by phase II enzymes including UGTs and SULTs (Hu 2007). Four UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A (UGT1A) isoforms share the responsibility of metabolising various isoflavones. UGT1A10 is mainly expressed in the intestine and is located on the ER membrane of these cells. It can transfer the glucuronyl moiety from UDP-GlcA to the isoflavone glycitein (GCTN) to form glycitein 4-O-glucuronide (GCTN4OG) (Tang et al. 2009).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
18052085 Commentary: bioavailability of flavonoids and polyphenols: call to arms

Hu, M

Mol. Pharm. 2007
27556486 Natural Polyphenols for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

Li, HB, Li, S, Xu, DP, Zheng, J, Chen, YM, Li, Y, Zhou, Y

Nutrients 2016
19545173 Structure and concentration changes affect characterization of UGT isoform-specific metabolism of isoflavones

Tang, L, Singh, R, Hu, M, Liu, Z

Mol. Pharm. 2009
Catalyst Activity

glucuronosyltransferase activity of UGT1A10 [endoplasmic reticulum membrane]

Orthologous Events
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