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RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm]
Stable Identifier
Gallus gallus
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DNA Repair (Gallus gallus)
Nucleotide Excision Repair (Gallus gallus)
Transcription-Coupled Nucleotide Excision Repair (TC-NER) (Gallus gallus)
Formation of TC-NER Pre-Incision Complex (Gallus gallus)
RNA Pol II initiates transcription from damaged DNA template (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Gene expression (Transcription) (Gallus gallus)
Gene Silencing by RNA (Gallus gallus)
Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs (Gallus gallus)
AGO1,2:small RNA complexes interact with chromatin (Gallus gallus)
AGO1,2:miRNA:chromatin:RNA pol II [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II Transcription (Gallus gallus)
RNA Pol II CTD phosphorylation and interaction with CE (Gallus gallus)
Extrusion of 5'-end of 30 nt long transcript through the pore in Pol II complex (Gallus gallus)
Pol II transcription complex containing extruded transcript to +30 [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Phosphorylation (Ser5) of RNA pol II CTD (Gallus gallus)
Pol II transcription complex containing extruded transcript to +30 [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II Pre-transcription Events (Gallus gallus)
Abortive Initiation After Second Transition (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex containing 4-9 nucleotide long transcript [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Abortive Initiation Before Second Transition (Gallus gallus)
Pol II Promoter Escape Complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Abortive initiation after formation of the first phosphodiester bond (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Fall Back to Closed Pre-initiation Complex (Gallus gallus)
pol II closed pre-initiation complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II promoter:TFIID:TFIIA:TFIIB:Pol II:TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II open pre-initiation complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II Transcription Initiation And Promoter Clearance (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II Promoter Escape (Gallus gallus)
Addition of Nucleotides 5 through 9 on the growing Transcript (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex containing 4 nucleotide long transcript [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex containing 9 nucleotide long transcript [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Addition of nucleotides 10 and 11 on the growing transcript: Third Transition (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex containing 11 nucleotide long transcript [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex containing 9 nucleotide long transcript [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Addition of nucleotides between position +11 and +30 (Gallus gallus)
Pol II transcription complex containing extruded transcript to +30 [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex containing 11 nucleotide long transcript [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex containing 3 Nucleotide long transcript [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex containing 4 nucleotide long transcript [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex containing 3 Nucleotide long transcript [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Unwinding DNA for the nascent transcript (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Unwinding of DNA for the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex containing 3 Nucleotide long transcript [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition (Gallus gallus)
pol II closed pre-initiation complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II promoter:TFIID:TFIIA:TFIIB:Pol II:TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II open pre-initiation complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II Transcription Initiation (Gallus gallus)
NTP Binds Active Site of RNA Polymerase II (Gallus gallus)
Pol II initiation complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymearse II:NTP:TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II open pre-initiation complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Newly Formed Phosphodiester Bond Stabilized and PPi Released (Gallus gallus)
Pol II Initiation complex with phosphodiester-PPi intermediate [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II transcription complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Nucleophillic Attack by 3'-hydroxyl Oxygen of nascent transcript on the Alpha Phosphate of NTP (Gallus gallus)
Pol II Initiation complex with phosphodiester-PPi intermediate [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Pol II initiation complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymearse II:NTP:TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II Transcription Pre-Initiation And Promoter Opening (Gallus gallus)
Binding of TFIIE to the growing preinitiation complex (Gallus gallus)
pol II promoter:TFIID:TFIIA:TFIIB:Pol II:TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II promoter:TFIID:TFIIA:TFIIB:Pol II:TFIIF:TFIIE complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II promoter:TFIID:TFIIA:TFIIB:Pol II:TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Formation of the closed pre-initiation complex (Gallus gallus)
pol II closed pre-initiation complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II promoter:TFIID:TFIIA:TFIIB:Pol II:TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II promoter:TFIID:TFIIA:TFIIB:Pol II:TFIIF:TFIIE complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II promoter:TFIID:TFIIA:TFIIB:Pol II:TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Recruitment of RNA Polymerase II Holoenzyme by TFIIF to the pol II promoter:TFIID:TFIIA:TFIIB complex (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
pol II promoter:TFIID:TFIIA:TFIIB:Pol II:TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA polymerase II transcribes snRNA genes (Gallus gallus)
CDK7 phosphorylates serine-5 and serine-7 of heptad repeats in C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II at snRNA promoter (Gallus gallus)
RNA polymerase II (unphosphorylated):Initiation factors at promoter of snRNA gene [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA polymerase II (unphosphorylated):Initiation factors [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA polymerase II binds initiation factors at promoter of snRNA gene (U1, U2, U4, U4atac, U5, U11, U12) (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA polymerase II (unphosphorylated):Initiation factors at promoter of snRNA gene [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA polymerase II (unphosphorylated):Initiation factors [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Signal Transduction (Gallus gallus)
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (Gallus gallus)
Signaling by FGFR (Gallus gallus)
Signaling by FGFR2 (Gallus gallus)
FGFR2 alternative splicing (Gallus gallus)
PTB and hnRNPA1 bind FGFR2 pre-mRNA to repress IIIb splicing and promote formation of FGFR2c mRNA (Gallus gallus)
FGFR2 IIIc-specific splicing complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
capped, methylated pre-FGFR2 mRNA:CBC complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
capped, methylated pre-FGFR2 mRNA:CBC complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
This complex/polymer has been computationally inferred (based on PANTHER) from a complex/polymer involved in an event that has been demonstrated in another species.
Ghost homologue of POLR2A [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
Ghost homologue of POLR2G [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
POLR2B [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
POLR2C [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
POLR2D [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
POLR2E [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
POLR2H [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
POLR2I [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
POLR2J [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
POLR2K [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
POLR2L [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
RPB6 [nucleoplasm]
(Gallus gallus)
as an input of
AGO1,2:small RNA complexes interact with chromatin (Gallus gallus)
RNA polymerase II binds initiation factors at promoter of snRNA gene (U1, U2, U4, U4atac, U5, U11, U12) (Gallus gallus)
RNA Pol II initiates transcription from damaged DNA template (Gallus gallus)
as a component of
AGO1,2:miRNA:chromatin:RNA pol II [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA polymerase II (unphosphorylated):Initiation factors [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
RNA Polymerase II (unphosphorylated):TFIIF complex [nucleoplasm] (Gallus gallus)
Inferred From
RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex (unphosphorylated) [nucleoplasm]
(Homo sapiens)
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