Reactome is an open source and open access resource, available to anyone. Usage of Reactome material is covered by two Creative Commons licenses:

The terms of the Creative Commons Public Domain (CC0) License apply to all Reactome annotation files, e.g. identifier mapping data, specialized data files, and interaction data derived from Reactome.

The terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License apply to all software and code, e.g. relating to the functionality of the, derived websites and webservices, the Curator Tool, the Functional Interaction application, SQL and Graph Database data dumps, and Pathway Illustrations (Enhanced High-Level Diagrams), Icon Library, Art and Branding Materials.

KEGG gene and pathway annotations, used to construct the Reactome Functional Interaction (FI) Network, are provided under license to OICR by Pathway Solutions, Inc. The Reactome FI Network data set is intended for use only by the original recipient. The recipient may not distribute the Reactome Functional interaction data files to other users without a license from Pathway Solutions, Inc.

The FoamTree (Voronoi treemaps), used to construct the ReacFoam genome-wide pathway overview, is provided under license to EMBL-EBI by Carrot Search, Inc. A fully functional demo version, which displays the FoamTree logo in one of the cells, is free of charge.

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