Graph Database :: Data Schema

Graph Database :: Data Schema

Entries: Cell
Select species:
Identifier Name
R-HSA-9855603 corneocyte
R-HSA-9911207 definitive endoderm cell
R-HSA-9907637 dorsal foregut endoderm cell
R-HSA-9909315 duodeno-pancreatic endoderm cell
R-HSA-9727357 keratinocyte of granulosum layer of epidermis
R-HSA-9727360 keratinocyte of spinosum layer of epidermis
R-HSA-9725559 keratinocyte stem cell of skin epidermis basal layer
R-HSA-9820466 pancreatic acinar cell
R-HSA-9910606 pancreatic pro-acinar cell
R-HSA-9909345 pancretic tip progenitor cell
R-HSA-9909323 primary multipotent pancreatic progenitor cell
R-HSA-9725625 transit-amplifying cell of epidermis basal layer
R-HSA-9911211 ventral foregut endoderm cell
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