MET gene expression is activated downstream of active MITF i...

created [InstanceEdit:9858547] Rothfels, Karen, 2024-01-13
dbId 9858540
displayName MET gene expression is activated downstream of active MITF i...
modified [InstanceEdit:9863506] Rothfels, Karen, 2024-03-01
schemaClass Summation
text MET gene expression is activated downstream of active MITF in normal primary human melanocytes and in melanomas (reviewed in Cheli et al, 2010; Gentile el al 2008; Goding and Arnheiter, 2019). MITF-dependent MET gene expression is responsive to increased cAMP levels downstream of UV-induced alpha-MSH production, and has also been demonstrated in response to HGF (McGill et al, 2006; Beuret et al, 2007; Mascarenhas et al, 2010; reviewed in Cheli et al, 2010). MET expression contributes to the survival and proliferation of melanocytes and melanoma (Kos et al, 1999; Kunisada et al, 2000; Natali et al 1993; Puri et al, 2007; Saitoh et al, 1994; reviewed in Gentile et al, 2008; Cheli et al, 2010; Goding and Arnheiter, 2019).
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