About 25-30% of cellular amyloid precursor protein isoform 6...

created [InstanceEdit:9840198] May, Bruce, 2023-07-13
dbId 9840196
displayName About 25-30% of cellular amyloid precursor protein isoform 6...
modified [InstanceEdit:9852591] May, Bruce, 2023-11-06
schemaClass Summation
text About 25-30% of cellular amyloid precursor protein isoform 695 (APP695) is located in mitochondria, where its accumulation can cause mitochondrial dysfunction (Anandatheerthavarada et al. 2003). HTRA2, located in the mitochondrial intermembrane space, cleaves APP695 to yield a 161 amino acid C-terminal fragment (C161) that is translocated to the cytosol (Park et al. 2006). The fate of the remaining 534 amino acid N-terminal fragment of the APP695 protein is unknown. The amyloid-beta cleavage product of APP, which is associated with Alzheimer's Disease, binds HTRA2 in the cytosol (Park et al. 2004).
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