chromosome, telomeric repeat region

accession 0140445
created [InstanceEdit:9689080] Cook, Justin, 2020-05-15
databaseName GO
dbId 9689203
definition A complex of DNA and protein that seals the end of a chromosome. The telomeric repeat DNA consists of simple tandemly repeated sequences specific for each species. Typically one strand is G-rich and the other C-rich. The G-rich strand forms a 3'-terminal overhang, the length of which varies with species. The single strand overhang is bound by a variety of proteins, including telomere capping proteins that bind to the single-stranded DNA and seal the telomeric loop.
displayName chromosome, telomeric repeat region
modified [InstanceEdit:9773560] Weiser, Joel, 2022-05-04
name chromosome, telomeric repeat region
referenceDatabase [ReferenceDatabase:1] GO
schemaClass GO_CellularComponent
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