DNA replication

accession 0006260
databaseName GO
dbId 7962
definition The cellular metabolic process in which a cell duplicates one or more molecules of DNA. DNA replication begins when specific sequences, known as origins of replication, are recognized and bound by initiation proteins, and ends when the original DNA molecule has been completely duplicated and the copies topologically separated. The unit of replication usually corresponds to the genome of the cell, an organelle, or a virus. The template for replication can either be an existing DNA molecule or RNA.
displayName DNA replication
modified [InstanceEdit:9676538] Cook, Justin, 2020-02-17
name DNA replication
referenceDatabase [ReferenceDatabase:1] GO
schemaClass GO_BiologicalProcess
url https://www.ebi.ac.uk/QuickGO/term/GO:0006260


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