The Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) receptor mediates tran...

created [InstanceEdit:265053] May, B, 2008-04-15 03:12:38
dbId 264884
displayName The Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) receptor mediates tran...
modified [InstanceEdit:1799328] D'Eustachio, P, 2011-10-23
schemaClass Summation
text The Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) receptor mediates transfer of the ribosome:mRNA:nascent protein complex to the Translocon Complex. A coupled reaction (not annotated here) in which GTP molecules are hydrolyzed by the alpha subunit of the SRP Receptor and the SRP54 subunit of the SRP is thought to ensure release of the SRP only after the ribosome is properly reoriented. At the end of this process, the ribosome is attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane with its associated nascent polypeptide protruding through the Translocon Complex into the ER lumen.
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