Activation of the PI3K pathway has been demonstrated downstr...

created [InstanceEdit:2085648] Rothfels, K, 2012-02-05
dbId 2085647
displayName Activation of the PI3K pathway has been demonstrated downstr...
modified [InstanceEdit:2085649] Rothfels, K, 2012-02-05
schemaClass Summation
text Activation of the PI3K pathway has been demonstrated downstream of a number of FGFR mutants (reviewed in Wesche, 2001; see for instance, Agazie, 2003; Kunii, 2008; Takeda, 2007; Chen, 2004; Demiroglu, 2001; Guasch, 2001; Byron, 2008), and is presumed to occur in a manner analogous to the wild-type receptor.
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