Graph Database :: Data Schema

Graph Database :: Data Schema

Attributes of class Cell
Attribute name Cardinality Value Type Attribute Origin
authored 1 PhysicalEntity
catalystActivities + PhysicalEntity
cellType + PhysicalEntity
compartment + PhysicalEntity
componentOf + PhysicalEntity
consumedByEvent + PhysicalEntity
created 1 DatabaseObject
crossReference + PhysicalEntity
dbId 1
  • Long
definition 1
  • String
deleted + PhysicalEntity
disease + PhysicalEntity
displayName 1
  • String
edited + PhysicalEntity
figure + PhysicalEntity
goCellularComponent 1 PhysicalEntity
inDisease 1
  • Boolean
inferredFrom + PhysicalEntity
inferredTo + PhysicalEntity
isRequired + PhysicalEntity
literatureReference + PhysicalEntity
markerReference + Cell
markingReferences + PhysicalEntity
memberOf + PhysicalEntity
modified 1 DatabaseObject
name +
  • String
negativelyRegulates + PhysicalEntity
organ 1 Cell
positivelyRegulates + PhysicalEntity
producedByEvent + PhysicalEntity
proteinMarker + Cell
rNAMarker + Cell
repeatedUnitOf + PhysicalEntity
reviewed + PhysicalEntity
revised + PhysicalEntity
schemaClass 1
  • String
species + Cell
stId 1
  • String
summation + PhysicalEntity
systematicName 1
  • String
tissue 1 Cell
tissueLayer 1 Cell
updateTrackers + PhysicalEntity
Referrals of class 'Cell' instances
Attribute Origin Attribute name Cardinality Value Type
CatalystActivity activeUnit +
Regulation activeUnit +
MarkerReference cell +
EntityFunctionalStatus diseaseEntity 1
Complex entityOnOtherCell +
ReactionLikeEvent entityOnOtherCell +
CandidateSet hasCandidate +
Complex hasComponent +
EntitySet hasMember +
ReactionLikeEvent input +
ModifiedNucleotide modification 1
EntityFunctionalStatus normalEntity 1
ReactionLikeEvent output +
InteractionEvent partners +
CatalystActivity physicalEntity 1
ReferenceEntity physicalEntity +
Regulation regulator 1
Polymer repeatedUnit +
ReactionLikeEvent requiredInputComponent +

You can find documentation for the Reactome data model here.

Sidebar on the left shows the hierarchy of Reactome classes. The number of instances of this class is shown in square brackets and is hyperlinked to a page listing all instances in this class.

The main panel shows attributes of the selected class. Own attributes, i.e. the ones which are not inherited from a parent class are indicated in colour.

'+' in 'Cardinality' column indicates that this is a multi-value attribute.

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