Search results for UniProt:P36639-3

Showing 30 results out of 6979





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Results (30 results from a total of 6979)

Identifier: R-HSA-1445126
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytoplasmic vesicle membrane
Identifier: R-HSA-139899
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
14-3-3 proteins bind BAD phosphorylated by activated AKT on serine residue S99 (corresponds to mouse Bad serine residue S136). Binding of 14-3-3 proteins to p-S99-BAD facilitates subsequent phosphorylation of BAD on serine residue S118 (corresponds to mouse serine S155), which disrupts binding of BAD to BCL2 proteins and promotes cell survival (Datta et al. 2000). Caspase-3 mediated cleavage of 14-3-3 proteins releases BAD and promotes apoptosis (Won et al. 2003). All known 14-3-3 protein isoforms (beta/alpha i.e. YWHAB, gamma i.e. YWHAG, zeta/delta i.e. YWHAZ, epsilon i.e. YWHAE, eta i.e. YWHAH, sigma i.e. SFN and theta i.e. YWHAQ) can interact with BAD and inhibit it (Subramanian et al. 2001, Chen et al. 2005).
Identifier: R-HSA-443827
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
Identifier: R-HSA-443831
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
14-3-3 family proteins can bind Raf1 and have been suggested to activate Raf1, but this has been refuted.
Identifier: R-HSA-3465545
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
PIAS1,3,4 SUMOylate MTA1 with SUMO2,3 at lysine-509 (Cong et al. 2011). SUMOylation increases the repressor activity of MTA1 at the PS2 promoter (Cong et al. 2011).
Identifier: R-HSA-1169451
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
Primary external reference: UniProt: SHC1: P29353
Identifier: R-HSA-198181
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: plasma membrane
Primary external reference: UniProt: TRBV12-3: P01733
Identifier: R-HSA-1524128
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: endoplasmic reticulum membrane
Identifier: R-HSA-444847
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: plasma membrane
Identifier: R-HSA-444822
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: extracellular region
Identifier: R-HSA-389011
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: plasma membrane
Identifier: R-HSA-418922
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: plasma membrane
Identifier: R-HSA-420237
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: plasma membrane
Identifier: R-HSA-9717173
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: plasma membrane
Identifier: R-HSA-1169462
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
Identifier: R-HSA-157723
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nuclear envelope
Primary external reference: UniProt: NUP98: P52948
Identifier: R-HSA-450269
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Identifier: R-HSA-450217
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Identifier: R-HSA-171172
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
Identifier: R-HSA-418312
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: endoplasmic reticulum membrane
Identifier: R-HSA-5623626
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
Identifier: R-HSA-2187387
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Identifier: R-HSA-350870
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
Identifier: R-HSA-211223
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
CASP3 heterotetramer consists of two anti-parallel arranged CASP3 heterodimers, each one formed by a 17 kDa (p17) and a 12 kDa (p12) subunit.
Identifier: R-HSA-114305
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
Identifier: R-HSA-114304
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
Identifier: R-HSA-5666096
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: endosome membrane
Identifier: R-HSA-5666087
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
Identifier: R-HSA-5666089
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: cytosol
Primary external reference: UniProt: DIAPH2: O60879
Identifier: R-HSA-2681673
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: plasma membrane
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