Search results for P20774

Showing 11 results out of 11





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Results (11 results from a total of 11)

Identifier: R-HSA-2046275
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: extracellular region
Primary external reference: UniProt: OGN: P20774
Identifier: R-HSA-2046243
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: lysosomal lumen
Primary external reference: UniProt: OGN: P20774


Identifier: R-HSA-2105000
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: lysosomal lumen
Primary external reference: UniProt: OGN: P20774
Identifier: R-HSA-2046262
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: Golgi lumen
Primary external reference: UniProt: OGN: P20774
Identifier: R-HSA-2046300
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: Golgi lumen
Primary external reference: UniProt: OGN: P20774
Identifier: R-HSA-2046142
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: Golgi lumen
Primary external reference: UniProt: OGN: P20774
Identifier: R-HSA-2046211
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: Golgi lumen
Primary external reference: UniProt: OGN: P20774
Identifier: R-HSA-2046152
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: Golgi lumen
Primary external reference: UniProt: OGN: P20774
Identifier: R-HSA-2046289
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: Golgi lumen
Primary external reference: UniProt: OGN: P20774
Identifier: R-HSA-2046182
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: Golgi lumen
Primary external reference: UniProt: OGN: P20774
Identifier: R-HSA-2046218
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: Golgi lumen
Primary external reference: UniProt: OGN: P20774
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