Michael Waters

Reviewed Pathways (1/1)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2011-06-23 R-HSA-982772 Growth hormone receptor signaling BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/40)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2011-06-23 R-HSA-982810 JAK2 phosphorylation BibTex
2011-06-23 R-HSA-982768 GH:GHR:JAK2 complex undergoes a conformational change BibTex
2011-06-23 R-HSA-982778 Growth hormone binds the growth hormone receptor BibTex
2011-06-23 R-HSA-982775 Growth hormone receptor dimerizes BibTex
2011-06-23 R-HSA-982792 Growth hormone receptor binds JAK2 BibTex
2011-06-23 R-HSA-507937 STAT5 dimers translocate to the nucleus BibTex
2011-06-23 R-HSA-1168789 GHR internalization BibTex
2011-06-23 R-OCU-1169264 Ghr internalization BibTex
2011-06-23 R-HSA-1168768 JAK2 binds STAT1/3 BibTex
2011-06-23 R-MMU-1169142 Jak2 binds Stat1/Stat3 BibTex
2011-06-23 R-HSA-1168839 SHP1 (PTPN6) binds JAK2 in the receptor complex BibTex
2011-06-23 R-HSA-982807 JAK2 phosphorylation of GHR BibTex
2011-06-23 R-MMU-1169250 Shp1 binds Jak2 in the receptor complex BibTex
2011-06-23 R-HSA-1168393 STAT5 association with GHR BibTex
2011-06-23 R-MMU-1168910 Stat5 association with Ghr BibTex
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