Yingxi Lin

Department of Psychiatry, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Reviewed Pathways (5/5)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9634815 Transcriptional Regulation by NPAS4 BibTex
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9768759 Regulation of NPAS4 gene expression BibTex
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9768777 Regulation of NPAS4 gene transcription BibTex
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9768778 Regulation of NPAS4 mRNA translation BibTex
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9768919 NPAS4 regulates expression of target genes BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/79)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9769345 Activated glucocorticoid receptor represses NPAS4 gene transcription BibTex
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9769347 Activated glucocorticoid receptor binds NPAS4 gene promoter BibTex
2022-07-29 R-MMU-9769703 Activated glucocorticoid receptor binds Npas4 gene promoter BibTex
2022-07-29 R-MMU-9769713 Activated glucocorticoid receptor represses Npas4 gene transcription BibTex
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9768832 SRF binds NPAS4 gene promoter BibTex
2022-07-29 R-MMU-9768835 Srf binds Npas4 gene promoter BibTex
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9768829 SRF stimulates NPAS4 gene transcription BibTex
2022-07-29 R-MMU-9768820 Srf stimulates Npas4 gene transcription BibTex
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9768764 REST binds promoter and the first intron of NPAS4 gene BibTex
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9640063 Ca2+ binds KCNIP3 BibTex
2022-07-29 R-MMU-9640094 Ca2+ binds Kcnip3 BibTex
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9639567 NPAS4 gene transcription is repressed by KCNIP3 BibTex
2022-07-29 R-MMU-9639576 Npas4 gene expression BibTex
2022-07-29 R-HSA-9640060 KCNIP3 binds NPAS4 gene promoter BibTex
2022-07-29 R-MMU-9640074 Kcnip3 binds Npas4 gene promoter BibTex
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