Esben Lorentzen

Reviewed Pathways (8/8)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5617833 Cilium Assembly BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5620912 Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5620924 Intraflagellar transport BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5620920 Cargo trafficking to the periciliary membrane BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5620916 VxPx cargo-targeting to cilium BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624958 ARL13B-mediated ciliary trafficking of INPP5E BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5620922 BBSome-mediated cargo-targeting to cilium BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624138 Trafficking of myristoylated proteins to the cilium BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (53/53)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5626228 The distal appendage proteins recruit TTBK2 BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5626223 C2CD3 and OFD1 recruit 5 distal appendage proteins to the centriole BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5626220 C2CD3 binds the mother centriole BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5626227 CP110 and CEP97 dissociate from the centriole BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5626699 MARK4 binds ODF2 in the centriole BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5638014 RAB11A:GTP-containing Golgi vesicles recruit RAB3IP BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5626681 Recruitment of transition zone proteins BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5617816 RAB3IP stimulates nucleotide exchange on RAB8A BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5638009 CEP164 recruits RAB3IP-carrying Golgi-derived vesicles to the basal body BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5617829 Assembly of IFT A complex BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624949 Assembly of the anterograde IFT train BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5617828 TRIP11:IFT20 dissociates BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624948 KIF17 enters the cilium BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624951 TNPO1 binds KIF17 dimer BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5617825 TRAF3IB1 recruits IFT20 to the IFT B complex from the Golgi BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5617820 Assembly of IFT B complex BibTex
2014-11-10 R-MMU-5617824 assembly of IftB complex BibTex
2014-11-10 R-MMU-5617819 Traf3ip1 binds Ift20 BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5625424 The retrograde IFT train dissociates BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5625426 Retrograde IFT BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624952 Assembly of the retrograde IFT train BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5625421 The anterograde IFT train dissociates BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5625416 Anterograde IFT BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5623525 Cargo-carrying vesicles bud from the TGN BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5623521 RAB3IP stimulates nucleotide exchange on RAB8A BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5623519 RAB3IP and RAB8A bind to the ciliary targeting complex BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5623513 ASAP1 stimulates GTPase activity of ARF4 BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5620921 ASAP1 recruits RAB11FIP3 and RAB11 to the ciliary targeting complex BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5620918 ASAP1 dimer binds membrane proteins BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5620914 ARF4:GTP binds VxPx-motifs of membrane proteins BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5623508 GBF1 stimulates nucleotide exchange on ARF4 BibTex
2014-11-10 R-NUL-5623510 Asap1 binds the FR motif of Rho BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5623524 The exocyst complex binds to RAB3IP in the ciliary targeting complex BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5623527 VxPx-containing ciliary membrane proteins are delivered to the ciliary membrane BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624956 PDE6D binds INPP5E BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5638012 PDE6D dissociates from ARL13B:INPP5E BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624953 ARL13B binds INPP5E BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624954 INPP5E translocates to the primary cilium BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5617815 BBSome binds RAB3IP BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624129 LZTFL1 binds the BBSome and prevents its traffic to the cilium BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624125 Formation of the BBSome BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624127 ARL6:GTP and the BBSome target cargo to the primary cilium BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624126 ARL6:GTP and the BBSome bind ciliary cargo BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624133 ARL3:GTP binds the UNC119B complex BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624132 UNC119B stimulates translocation of myristoylated ciliary cargo to the primary cilium BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624131 UNC119B binds myristoylated proteins BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5638006 ARL3 hydrolyzes GTP BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5638007 RP2 activates the GTPase activity of ARL3 BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5638004 RP2 binds ARL3:GTP:UNC119B BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5624130 Myristoylated NPHP3 translocates into the ciliary membrane BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5638016 RP2:ARL3:GDP:UNC119B dissociates BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5618328 ATAT acetylates microtubules BibTex
2014-11-10 R-HSA-5618331 HDAC6 deacetylates microtubules BibTex
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