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David Tukey

NYU School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry
Reviewed Reactions (26)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2009-11-18 R-HSA-442760 Activation of RasGRF BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-111912 CaMK4 phosphorylates CREB1 BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-444792 Calmodulin-bound CaMKII-gamma enters the nucleus BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-9617583 CaMKII autophosphorylates BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-442725 CaMKII binds activated calmodulin BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-442749 CaMKK autophosphorylates in the nucleus BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-9618863 CaMKK binds activated calmodulin in the nucleus BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-442724 Phosphorylation of CREB1 by ribosomal protein S6 kinases (RSKs) BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-442739 PDPK1 phosphorylates RSKs BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-9619843 ERKs phosphorylate RSKs BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-111919 PKA phosphorylates CREB1 BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-442715 Calmodulin-activated adenylate cyclases ADCY1 and ADCY8 generate cAMP BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-432164 Ca2+ influx into the post-synaptic cell BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-432172 Glycine and glutamate ligands bind GRIN1:GRIN2 NMDA receptor BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-438037 Membrane depolarization upon activation of Ca impermeable AMPA receptors BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-432162 Unblocking of GRIN1:GRIN2 NMDA receptors BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-442732 NMDA-activated RASGRF1 activates RAS BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-9619355 CaMKK autophosphorylates in the cytosol BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-9619214 CaMKK binds activated calmodulin in the cytosol BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-445367 CaMKII binds activated NMDA receptor BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-500708 GRIK3 homomer binds glutamate BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-500717 Activation of GRIK3 homomer BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-451283 kainate receptor binds glutamate BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-451311 Activation of Ca-permeable Kainate receptors BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-451310 Activation of Edited Kainate receptors BibTex
2009-11-18 R-HSA-451309 Edited Kainate Receptor binds glutamate BibTex
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