Linda L Spremulli

Reviewed Pathways (4/4)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5368287 Mitochondrial translation BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5389840 Mitochondrial translation elongation BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5419276 Mitochondrial translation termination BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5368286 Mitochondrial translation initiation BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (27/27)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5389842 TUFM hydrolyzes GTP and TUFM:GDP dissociates from 55S ribosome BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5389848 TUFM:GTP:aminoacyl-tRNA binds 55S ribosome:mRNA:fMet-tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5389845 TUFM:GTP binds aminoacyl-tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5419268 TUFM binds GTP displacing TSFM BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5419269 TSFM binds TUFM displacing GDP BibTex
2014-09-20 R-BTA-5432536 TSFM binds TUFM displacing GDP BibTex
2014-09-20 R-BTA-5432551 TUFM binds GTP displacing TSFM BibTex
2014-09-20 R-BTA-5432586 TUFM:GTP binds aminoacyl-tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5389839 39S subunit binds 28S subunit:mRNA:fMet-tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5389849 28S subunit:MTIF3 binds MTIF2:GTP, mRNA, and formylMet-tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5389841 MTFMT formylates methionyl-tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-BTA-5432520 MTFMT formylates methionyl-tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5368279 MTIF3 binds 28S ribosomal subunit BibTex
2014-09-20 R-BTA-5432456 MTIF3 binds 28S ribosomal subunit BibTex
2014-09-20 R-BTA-5432463 28S subunit binds MITF2:GTP, mRNA, and formylMet-tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-BTA-5432421 39S subunit binds 28S subunit:mRNA:fMet-tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-BTA-5432387 TUFM:GTP:aminoacyl-tRNA binds 55S ribosome:mRNA:fMet-tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-BTA-5432388 TUFM:GDP dissociates from 55S ribosome BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5389857 Peptide transfer from P-site to A-site (peptide bond formation) BibTex
2014-09-20 R-BTA-5432444 Peptide transfer from P-site to A-site (peptide bond formation) BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5419279 Translocation of peptidyl-tRNA from A-site to P-site (and translocation of 55S ribosome by 3 bases along mRNA) BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5419261 55S ribosome with peptidyl-tRNA in A site binds GFM1:GTP BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5419264 MTRF1L (MTRF1a) or ICT1 binds stop codon in 55S ribosome:mRNA:peptidyl-tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5419281 MRRF binds 55S ribosome:mRNA:tRNA BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5419271 55S ribosome hydrolyzes peptidyl-tRNA bond and MTRF1L hydrolyzes GTP BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5419273 Hydrolysis of GTP and dissociation of 28S and 39S subunits BibTex
2014-09-20 R-HSA-5419277 GFM2:GTP binds 55S ribosome:mRNA:tRNA:MRRF releasing mRNA and tRNA BibTex
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