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William Blaner

Reviewed Reactions (66)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2013-01-31 R-HSA-74101 Photons induce isomerization of 11c-retinyl to at-retinyl BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2454118 11cRAL binds to opsin to form 11c-retinyl:RHO BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2454113 RBP3 transports 11cRAL to rod photoreceptor outer segment BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2454081 RDH5 oxidises 11cROL to 11cRAL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2454264 11cROL binds to RLBP1 to form RLBP1:11cROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2453833 RPE65 isomero-hydrolyses atREs to 11cROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2453855 LRAT esterifies RBP1:atROL and FACYLs to atREs BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-74843 atROL binds RBP1 to form RBP1:atROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2453863 STRA6 transports atROL from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2453876 TTR:RBP:atROL binds to STRA6 receptor BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2464809 RBP3 regulates the transport of atROL from ROS to RPE BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2464822 RDH12 reduces atRAL to atROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466718 NRPE dissociates to atRAL and PE BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466749 ABCA4 transports NRPE from photoreceptor outer segment membrane to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466846 atRAL can spontaneously react with PE to form NRPE BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2464810 atRAL(membrane) diffuses to atRAL(cytosol) BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2464803 RDH8 reduces atRAL to atROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-74872 RDH10,11 oxidise 11cROL to 11cRAL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466828 Defective RBP4 does not bind atROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2404135 RBP4 binds atROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2404139 HSC cytosolic atROL translocates to extracellular region BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2404133 A REH hydrolses atREs to atROL and FAs BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2404137 LRAT esterifies RBP1:atROL and FACYLs to atREs BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2404142 atROL binds RBP1 BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2404144 Parenchymal atROL translocates to HSCs BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2855259 atROL binds RBP1 (parenchymal cell) BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2404140 NREH hydrolyses atREs to atROL and FAs BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2424254 LDLR transports extracellular CR:atREs to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2395768 LPL hydrolyses TGs from mature CMs BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2395784 Nascent CMs transform into mature CMs BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2187332 Cytosolic CMs translocate to extracellular region BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2395764 atREs binds to nascent CM BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2399913 atRAL binds to RBP2 BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2855252 AKRs reduce RBP2:atRAL to RBP2:atROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2429643 NREH hydrolyses atREs (HSPG:apoE) to atROL and FAs BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2404131 LRPs transport extracellular CR:atREs:HSPG:apoE to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2423785 CR:atREs binds apoE and HSPG BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2404134 RBP4:atROL binds TTR BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466085 at-retinyl is hydrolysed from R* to release atRAL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2465917 Photons induce isomerisation of 11c-retinyl to at-retinyl BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2465921 11cRDH oxidises 11cROL to 11cRAL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2465934 11cROL translocates from Muller cells to cone photoreceptor cells BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2465941 A REH hydrolyses 11cRE to 11cROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-9656891 OPN1SW binds 11cRAL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-9656893 OPN1MW binds 11cRAL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2465926 An atROL isomerase isomerises atROL to 11cROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2465971 RLBP1 binds atROL to form RLBP1:atROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2465938 RBP3 regulates atROL taken up by Muller cells BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2465940 atRAL is reduced to atROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-GGA-2465929 Isomerase II isomerises atROL to 11cROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2465919 AWAT2 transfers PALM to 11cROL forming 11cRPALM BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2467761 A2E is phagocytosed BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466831 A2PE hydrolyses to A2E BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466764 NRPE condenses with atRAL to form A2PE BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2467738 A2E translocates to RPE cells BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466710 Defective LRAT does not esterify RBP1:atROL and FACYLs to atREs BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466822 Defective OPN1LW causes BCM BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2471670 Defective RDH12 does not reduce atRAL to atROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466832 Defective RDH5 does not oxidise 11cROL to 11cRAL and causes RPA BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466802 Defective ABCA4 does not transport NRPE from disc membranes BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466834 Defective OPN1SW causes tritanopia BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466706 Defective OPN1MW causes DCB and BCM BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466861 Defective RDH12 does not reduce atRAL to atROL and causes LCA13 BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2471660 Defective OPN1LW causes CBP BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2471641 Defective OPN1MW causes COD5 BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2453818 Defective STRA6 does not transport atROL BibTex
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