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Stephen H Hughes

NCI - Frederick, HIV Drug Resistance Program
Reviewed Reactions (13)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2006-10-31 R-HSA-182876 Removal of plus-strand flap and gap closure complete synthesis of linear duplex viral DNA BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-164505 Synthesis of full-length duplex viral DNA with a discontinuous plus strand BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-164512 Second strand transfer by annealing complementary PBS sequences BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-173769 RNase H-mediated digestion of tRNA, 3'PPT and cPPT RNA primers BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-164513 3' PPT-primed initiation of plus-strand DNA synthesis BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-182795 RNase H-mediated degradation of the template strand BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-164528 RNase H-mediated cleavage of the template strand BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-164520 Minus strand DNA synthesis resumes BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-164503 First strand transfer mediated by Repeated (R) sequence BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-182859 RNase H-mediated degradation of the RNA strand of the -sssDNA:RNA duplex BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-164519 RNase H-mediated cleavage of the RNA strand of the -sssDNA:RNA duplex BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-164504 Synthesis of minus strand strong stop DNA (-sssDNA) BibTex
2006-10-31 R-HSA-164527 Annealing of 3'-end of unwound transfer RNA primer with genomic RNA BibTex
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