Peters, JM

Reviewed Pathways (16/16)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2006-03-28 R-HSA-141405 Inhibition of the proteolytic activity of APC/C required for the onset of anaphase by mitotic spindle checkpoint components BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-141430 Inactivation of APC/C via direct inhibition of the APC/C complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174143 APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174178 APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-176407 Conversion from APC/C:Cdc20 to APC/C:Cdh1 in late anaphase BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174084 Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-176408 Regulation of APC/C activators between G1/S and early anaphase BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-176417 Phosphorylation of Emi1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174113 SCF-beta-TrCP mediated degradation of Emi1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-176814 Activation of APC/C and APC/C:Cdc20 mediated degradation of mitotic proteins BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-176409 APC/C:Cdc20 mediated degradation of mitotic proteins BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174048 APC/C:Cdc20 mediated degradation of Cyclin B BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174184 Cdc20:Phospho-APC/C mediated degradation of Cyclin A BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174154 APC/C:Cdc20 mediated degradation of Securin BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-179409 APC-Cdc20 mediated degradation of Nek2A BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-176412 Phosphorylation of the APC/C BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (38/38)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2006-10-10 R-HSA-188371 Association of Cyclin A:Cdk2 with Cdh1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-141423 Binding of the MCC complex to the APC/C complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-141437 Formation of the MCC complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174203 SCF-mediated degradation of Emi1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174159 Ubiquitination of Emi1 by SCF-beta-TrCP BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174209 Phosphorylated Emi1 binds the beta-TrCP in the SCF complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174122 Phosphorylation of the Emi1 DSGxxS degron by Cyclin B:Cdc2 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174097 Association of Emi1 with Cdh1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174235 Association of Emi1 with Cdc20 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174174 Phosphorylation of the Emi1 DSGxxS degron by Plk1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174255 Degradation multiubiquitinated Cyclin A BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174104 Ubiquitination of Cyclin A by APC/C:Cdc20 complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174171 Association of Cyclin A with the APC/C BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-179421 Degradation of multiubiquitinated Nek2A BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-179417 Multiubiquitination of Nek2A BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-179410 Association of Nek2A with MCC:APC/C BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174105 Degradation of multiubiquitinated cell cycle proteins BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174195 Ubiquitination of cell cycle proteins targeted by the APC/C:Cdh1complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174088 Association of cell cycle proteins with the APC/C:Cdh1 complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174070 Association of Cdh1 with the APC/C BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174224 Dissociation of Cdc20 from APC/C complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174202 Degradation of multiubiquitinated Securin BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174144 Ubiquitination of Securin by phospho-APC/C:Cdc20 complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174121 Association of Securin with Cdc20:APC/C complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174238 Activation of APC/C:Cdc20 by dissociation of Cdc20:phospho-APC/C from Cdc20:phospho-APC/C:Mad2:Bub3:BubR1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174157 Degradation of multiubiquitinated Cyclin B BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174227 Ubiquitination of Cyclin B by phospho-APC/C:Cdc20 complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174120 Association of Cyclin B:Cdc2 with Cdc20:APC/C complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174124 Dephosphorylation of phospho-Cdh1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174251 Phosphorylation of Cdh1 by Cyclin B1:Cdc2 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174079 Phosphorylation of Cdh1 by Cyclin A:Cdk2 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-188191 APC/C:Cdh1-mediated degradation of Skp2 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174058 Degradation of multiubiquitinated Cdh1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174057 Multiubiquitination of APC/C-associated Cdh1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-141429 Inactivation of APC/C via CDC20 sequestration BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174139 Dissociation of phospho-Cdh1 from the APC/C complex BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174119 Free APC/C phosphorylated by Plk1 BibTex
2006-03-28 R-HSA-174132 Free APC/C phosphorylated by Cyclin B:Cdc2 BibTex
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