Arnoud Sonnenberg

The Netherlands Cancer Institute
Reviewed Pathways (1/1)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2009-11-15 R-HSA-446107 Type I hemidesmosome assembly BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (6/6)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2009-11-15 R-HSA-446083 CD151 interacts with BP180 and the integrin alpha 6 subunit BibTex
2009-11-15 R-HSA-432956 BP230 is recruited to the hemidesmosome BibTex
2009-11-15 R-HSA-446089 BP180 interacts extracellularly with Laminin 332 BibTex
2009-11-15 R-HSA-432952 BP180 interacts intracellularly with plectin and integrin beta4 BibTex
2009-11-15 R-HSA-432909 Interaction of Plectin with Integrin beta 4 BibTex
2009-11-15 R-HSA-446077 BP230 interacts with keretin K5/K14 BibTex
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