Antonio Cuadrado

Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, Chair of COST Action CA20121 on ?Bench to bedside transition for pharmacological regulation of NRF2 in noncommunicable diseases (BenBedPhar)? Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine
Reviewed Pathways (4/4)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2022-02-23 R-HSA-8951664 Neddylation BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9755511 KEAP1-NFE2L2 pathway BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9759194 Nuclear events mediated by NFE2L2 BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9762114 GSK3B and BTRC:CUL1-mediated-degradation of NFE2L2 BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/73)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2022-02-23 R-HSA-8956099 VHL:EloB,C:NEDD8-CUL2:RBX1 complex binds UBXN7 BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9761900 HBV X protein binds SQSTM1 oligomer BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9766656 RBX1:CUL3 dissociates from forming autophagosome BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9755306 ub UBXN7 is degraded by the 26S proteasome BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9755304 MUL1 ubiquitinates UBXN7 BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9759154 TRIM21 ubiquitinates SQSTM1 BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9760122 AcK-NFE2L2-dependent GCLC gene expression BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9760099 AcK-NFE2L2 binds the GCLC gene BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9760125 AcK-NFE2L2-dependent GCLM gene expression BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9760103 AcK-NFE2L2 binds the GCLM gene BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9759356 NFE2L2-dependent GSTA3 gene expression BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9761843 NFE2L2-dependent GSR gene expression BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9761841 AcK-NFE2L2-dependent SLC7A11 expression BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9759176 NFE2L2-dependent HMOX1 gene expression BibTex
2022-02-23 R-HSA-9759137 NFE2L2 and MAFK bind the HMOX1 gene BibTex
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