Jia Zhou

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School
Reviewed Pathways (2/2)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2019-02-11 R-HSA-9629232 Defective Base Excision Repair Associated with NEIL3 BibTex
2019-02-11 R-HSA-9636003 NEIL3-mediated resolution of ICLs BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/22)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2019-02-11 R-HSA-9629497 NEIL3 cleaves thymine glycol from telomeric DNA BibTex
2019-02-11 R-MMU-9629510 Neil3 cleaves thymine glycol from telomeric DNA oligomer BibTex
2019-02-11 R-HSA-9629372 NEIL3 recognizes and binds to thymine glycol in telomeric DNA BibTex
2019-02-11 R-MMU-9629360 Neil3 recognizes and binds to thymine glycol in telomeric DNA BibTex
2019-02-11 R-HSA-9629499 NEIL3 cleaves thymine glycol BibTex
2019-02-11 R-MMU-9629509 Neil3 cleaves thymine glycol BibTex
2019-02-11 R-HSA-9629369 NEIL3 recognizes and binds to thymine glycol BibTex
2019-02-11 R-MMU-9629363 Neil3 recognizes and binds to thymine glycol BibTex
2019-02-11 R-HSA-9629483 NEIL3 cleaves spiroiminodihydantoin from damaged telomeric DNA BibTex
2019-02-11 R-MMU-9629485 Neil3 cleaves spirominodihydantoin from telomeric DNA oligomer BibTex
2019-02-11 R-HSA-9629373 NEIL3 recognizes and binds to spiroiminodihydantoin in telomeric DNA BibTex
2019-02-11 R-MMU-9629370 Neil3 recognizes and binds to spiroiminodihydantoin in telomeric DNA BibTex
2019-02-11 R-HSA-9629492 NEIL3 cleaves spiroiminodihydantoin BibTex
2019-02-11 R-HSA-9629365 NEIL3 recognizes and binds to spiroiminodihydantoin BibTex
2019-02-11 R-HSA-9629216 NEIL3 cleaves 5-guanidinohydantoin (Gh) from damaged telomeric DNA BibTex
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