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Robert Jr Roskoski

Reviewed Reactions (42)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672965 RAS GEFs promote RAS nucleotide exchange BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672950 "Activator" RAF:YWHAB dimer binds RAS:GTP BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672948 MARK3 phosphorylates KSR1 BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672954 p-S311,S406 KSR1:MARK3 binds YWHAB dimer BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672957 PP2A dephosphorylates KSR1 BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672958 YWHAB dimer dissociates from KSR1:MARK3 BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672966 RAS:GTP:'activator' RAF homo/heterodimerizes with other RAF monomers BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672969 Phosphorylation of RAF BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672972 MAP2Ks and MAPKs bind to the activated RAF complex BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672978 RAF phosphorylates MAP2K dimer BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672973 MAP2Ks phosphorylate MAPKs BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672980 Dissociation of RAS:RAF complex BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5674385 p-T,Y MAPKs dimerize BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5674387 Phosphorylated MAPKs translocate into the nucleus BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5675206 PEA15 binds MAPK monomers and dimers BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5675376 Cytosolic DUSPs dephosphorylate MAPKs BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5675373 Nuclear DUSPs dephosphorylate MAPKs BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5674132 WDR83:LAMTOR2:LAMTOR3 binds MAPK components BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5674130 MAP2Ks and MAPKs are phosphorylated at the endosome membrane BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5674366 IL17RD binds p-2S MAP2Ks and MAPKs BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5674373 MAP2Ks phosphorylate MAPK at the Golgi membrane BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5674140 PAQR3 binds inactive RAFs BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5675417 PEBP1 binds activated RAF1 BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5674018 BRAP binds RAS:GTP BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5674022 BRAP autoubiquitinates BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5675433 PP5 dephosphorylates RAF1 S338 BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5675431 PP2A dephosphorylates RAF1 BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5674496 Activated MAPKs phosphorylate MAP2K1 BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5675198 Activated MAPKs phosphorylate BRAF BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5675194 Activated MAPK phosphorylates RAF1 BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5674019 BRAP binds KSR1:MARK3 BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5658438 SPRED dimer binds NF1 BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5658435 RAS GAPs bind RAS:GTP BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5658231 RAS GAPs stimulate RAS GTPase activity BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5658424 KBTBD7:CUL3:RBX1 ubiquitinates NF1 BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5658430 NF1 is degraded by the proteasome BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672951 Inactive RAFs bind YWHAB BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672961 PP2A dephosphorylates inactive RAFs BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-5672960 YWHAB dimer dissociates from dephosphorylated RAF BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-8981355 RASA1 binds RAS:GTP BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-8981353 RASA1 stimulates RAS GTPase activity BibTex
2015-04-29 R-HSA-9610166 p-T,Y MAPK dimers translocate to nucleus BibTex
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