Karin D Prummel

Reviewed Pathways (1/1)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2022-11-09 R-HSA-9758920 Formation of lateral plate mesoderm BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (10/10)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2022-11-09 R-HSA-9759920 GATA4 binds the BMP4 gene BibTex
2022-11-09 R-MMU-9759916 Gata4 binds the Bmp4 gene BibTex
2022-11-09 R-HSA-9759859 Expression of GATA4 in lateral plate mesoderm BibTex
2022-11-09 R-MMU-9759884 Expression of Gata4 in lateral plate mesoderm BibTex
2022-11-09 R-HSA-9759860 FOXF1 binds the GATA4 gene BibTex
2022-11-09 R-MMU-9759850 Foxf1 binds the Gata4 gene BibTex
2022-11-09 R-HSA-9759892 Expression of BMP4 in lateral plate mesoderm BibTex
2022-11-09 R-MMU-9759869 Expression of Bmp4 in lateral plate mesoderm BibTex
2022-11-09 R-HSA-9759882 Expression of FOXF1 in lateral plate mesoderm BibTex
2022-11-09 R-MMU-9759844 Expression of Foxf1 in lateral plate mesoderm BibTex
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