Expression of Irx1 during nephron development

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Mus musculus
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Expression of Irx1 during nephron development
Irx1 is expressed in the intermediate region of the S-shaped body during nephron development (Yu et al. 2012, Heliot et al. 2013, Massa et al. 2013). Hnf1b binds near the Irx1 gene to activate expression (Heliot et al. 2013, Massa et al. 2013).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
23362348 HNF1B controls proximal-intermediate nephron segment identity in vertebrates by regulating Notch signalling components and Irx1/2

Desgrange, A, Buisson, I, Vainio, S, Prunskaite-Hyyryläinen, R, Shan, J, Heliot, C, Cereghini, S, Umbhauer, M

Development 2013
22510988 Identification of molecular compartments and genetic circuitry in the developing mammalian kidney

Duah, M, Faria, D, Stiles, CD, van Oudenaarden, A, Machanick, P, Valerius, MT, McMahon, J, Staser, K, Hansard, JK, Guo, JJ, Little, MH, Grimmond, SM, Ma, Q, Junker, JP, Bailey, TL, Ren, Q, Gray, PA, Rowitch, DH, Vaughan, J, Thiagarajan, RD, Yu, J, Krautzberger, AM, Georgas, K, McMahon, AP, Rumballe, B

Development 2012
23362349 Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1β controls nephron tubular development

Garbay, S, Bouvier, R, Heidet, L, Fischer, E, Massa, F, Gubler, MC, Pontoglio, M, Sugitani, Y, Noda, T

Development 2013
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