Tead2,Tead4:Yap1 and Tbxt bind the Foxa2 gene

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Mus musculus
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Tead2,Tead4:Yap1 and Tbxt bind the Foxa2 gene
Tead proteins (Tead2 and Tead4 and possibly Tead1 and Tead3) expressed in the epiblast during gastrulation bind the Yap1 activator and the core element of the node-notochord enhancer of the forkhead box Foxa2 gene, also called Hnf3b (Sawada et al. 2005). Tbxt (T, Brachyury) binds near the transcription start site and upstream and downstream of Foxa2 and activates expression of Foxa2 (Lolas et al. 2014). Foxh1 is required for expression of Foxa2 in the notochord of mice (Hoodless et al. 2001) and Foxh1 binds with Smad2, Smad3, and Sma4 to the Foxa2 in response to Nodal signaling in embryonic stem cells (Aragon et al. 2019).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
16207754 Tead proteins activate the Foxa2 enhancer in the node in cooperation with a second factor

Sasaki, H, Nishizaki, Y, Nishioka, N, Sawada, A, Kondoh, H, Nakayama, R, Yamamoto, S, Yada, Y, Sato, H

Development 2005
24616493 Charting Brachyury-mediated developmental pathways during early mouse embryogenesis

Lolas, M, Valenzuela, PD, Tjian, R, Liu, Z

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014
31582430 Structural basis for distinct roles of SMAD2 and SMAD3 in FOXH1 pioneer-directed TGF-β signaling

Tian, L, Macias, MJ, Hu, J, Zou, Y, Shu, W, Massagué, J, Aragón, E, Wang, Q, Hadjantonakis, AK, Su, J, Gomes, T, Agrawal, S, Kaczmarska, Z, Torner, C, Márquez, JA, Ruiz, L, Morgani, SM

Genes Dev 2019
Orthologous Events
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