MITF-M-dependent ATP6V1H gene expression

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Homo sapiens
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MITF has been implicated in the regulation of expression of many components of the v-ATPase, including the cytosollic component ATP6V1H (Zhang et al, 2015). The v-ATPase is responsible for acidification of organelles such as the lysosome and the endosome. The lysosome is also a site of regulation of TORC1 (target of rapamycin complex 1) that promotes global protein synthesis. MITF-family members and TORC1 play varied but interconnected roles in the sensing and response to nutrient levels, with MITF either positively or negatively regulating TORC activity depending on context (reviewed in Martina et al, 2014), and TORC1 and RAG GTPases have been shown to regulate the localization of some MITF family members (Martina and Puertollano, 2019). MITF has also been implicated as a regulator in a subset of genes associated with autophagy and lysosome biogenesis (Ploper et al, 2015; Moller et al, 2019; reviewed in Ploper and Robertis, 2015; Goding and Arnheiter, 2019).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
30705290 MITF has a central role in regulating starvation-induced autophagy in melanoma

Ogmundsdóttir, MH, Simonsen, A, Bessadottir, M, Brynjolfsdottir, SH, Möller, K, Larue, L, Pogenberg, V, Fock, V, Arnthorsson, AO, Bindesboll, C, Sigurbjornsdottir, S, Wilmanns, M, Dilshat, R, Thorsson, V, Steingrímsson, E, Ogmundsdottir, HM

Sci Rep 2019
26092939 Mitf is a master regulator of the v-ATPase, forming a control module for cellular homeostasis with v-ATPase and TORC1

Hsing, M, Siddaway, R, Goding, CR, Zhou, Q, Zhang, T, Pignoni, F, Ogmundsdottir, MH, Palsson, A, Steingrímsson, E, Möller, K, Kong, SW, Larue, L

J Cell Sci 2015
23401004 Rag GTPases mediate amino acid-dependent recruitment of TFEB and MITF to lysosomes

Puertollano, R, Martina, JA

J Cell Biol 2013
31123060 MITF-the first 25 years

Arnheiter, H, Goding, CR

Genes Dev 2019
26003288 The MITF family of transcription factors: Role in endolysosomal biogenesis, Wnt signaling, and oncogenesis

Ploper, D, De Robertis, EM

Pharmacol Res 2015
25605940 MITF drives endolysosomal biogenesis and potentiates Wnt signaling in melanoma cells

Graeber, TG, Perez, BS, von Euw, E, Ploper, D, Ribas, A, Taelman, VF, Titz, B, Robert, L, De Robertis, EM, Chen, HW

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015
24477476 Novel roles for the MiTF/TFE family of transcription factors in organelle biogenesis, nutrient sensing, and energy homeostasis

Puertollano, R, Martina, JA, Li, H, Diab, HI

Cell Mol Life Sci 2014
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