MITF-M-dependent BCL2A1 gene expression

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Homo sapiens
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BCL2A1 is an antiapoptotic member of the BCL2 family. It is expressed at low levels in the primary melanocytes and expressed at a higher level in a number of melanoma cell lines. The BCL2A1 gene is amplified in 30% of melanomas, a genetic alteration that appears unique to this cancer type and is not seen in other cancers examined. BCL2A1 expression is essential for survival in BCL2A1-amplified melanomas, and depends in part on the binding of MITF to an E-box element in the promoter (Haq et al, 2013; Strub et al, 2011; reviewed in Hartman and Czyz, 2015).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
21258399 Essential role of microphthalmia transcription factor for DNA replication, mitosis and genomic stability in melanoma

Ye, T, Cormont, M, Keime, C, Kobi, D, Davidson, I, Le Gras, S, Giuliano, S, Bonet, C, Bertolotto, C, Ballotti, R, Strub, T

Oncogene 2011
25142731 Pro-survival role of MITF in melanoma

Hartman, ML, Czyz, M

J Invest Dermatol 2015
23447565 BCL2A1 is a lineage-specific antiapoptotic melanoma oncogene that confers resistance to BRAF inhibition

Song, JS, Yokoyama, S, Fisher, DE, Langer, R, Garraway, LA, Wargo, JA, Duncan, LM, Hoon, DS, Anderson, DG, Porter, D, Tran, TN, Love, KT, Haq, R, Morton, DL, Frederick, DT, Jönsson, GB, Hawryluk, EB, McHenry, K

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013
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