MITF-M dimer binds the CDK2 gene

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Reaction [binding]
Homo sapiens
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The gene for CDK2 is arranged in a head-to-head fashion with another MITF target gene PMEL (also known as SILV), and the intergenic region contains E-box elements that have been shown to be bound by MITF in vitro and in vivo to promote expression of both genes (Adachi and Lieber, 2002; Du et al, 2002; Du et al, 2004). ChIP studies in human melanoma cell lines show that MITF is bound to the promoter of the CDK2 gene (Du et al, 2003). Consistent with this, expression of a dominant-negative MITF in human primary melanocytes and a panel of melanoma cell lines abrogates CDK2 mRNA and protein levels (Du et a1, 2004). E-box element 2 was shown to be essential for MITF-M-dependent CDK2 expression, as mutation of this site abolishes expression of a CDK2 reporter gene and disrupts colony formation in melanoma cell lines (Du et al, 2004). MITF-dependent activation of CDK2 appears to be specific to the melanocyte lineage, as transfection of MITF into HEK293 cells, the colon cancer cell line SW480 or the breast cancer cell line T47D did not promote CDK2 reporter gene expression (Du et al, 2004). MITF-dependent CDK2 upregulation contributes to proliferative capacity of melanocytes and melanoma cells and to the development of HSP90 inhibitor resistance in melanoma (Du et al, 2004; Azimi et al, 2018; reviewed in Goding and Arnheiter, 2019).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
29507054 Targeting CDK2 overcomes melanoma resistance against BRAF and Hsp90 inhibitors

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31123060 MITF-the first 25 years

Arnheiter, H, Goding, CR

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15607961 Critical role of CDK2 for melanoma growth linked to its melanocyte-specific transcriptional regulation by MITF

Golub, TR, Widlund, HR, Nishimura, EK, Fisher, DE, Ramaswamy, S, Ross, K, Huber, WE, Horstmann, MA, Du, J

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Lieber, MR, Adachi, N

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