F inhibitors bind F on RSV virion

Stable Identifier
Reaction [binding]
Homo sapiens
Related Species
Human respiratory syncytial virus A
Locations in the PathwayBrowser
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Several F inhibitors bind the hRSV A fusion (F) protein on the virion and prevent F from initiating viral fusion with the cell membrane, abolishing viral entry. The monoclonal antibody palivizumab was approved in 1998 and is recommended as prophylactic treatment for infants at high risk for RSV due to conditions such as prematurity or other medical problems, including heart or lung diseases. It is administered once per month during the RSV high-risk season (September to November) and reduces the risk of infection by half, having minor side effects (reviewed by Wang et al., 2011). Nirsevimab is the second monoclonal antibody for preventing respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract disease. It was approved in 2023 for prophylaxis in neonates and infants during their first RSV season. It is administered as a 1-dose intramuscular injection shortly before or during the RSV season since it has an extended half-life (Jones et al., 2023). However, the CDC recommends nirsevimab as prophylaxis for older people with increased risk (CDC, 2023). The nanobody ALX-0171 (Gontivimab) was designed as an inhalation to target the F protein. It showed antiviral effects in hospitalized RSV-Infected infants but no consistent differences in clinical outcome measures (NCT02979431); a second trial was terminated early because of the lack of clinical efficacy (NCT03418571). Further development of ALX-0171 was stopped by the producing company (Lowensteyn & Bont, 2020). The small molecule F inhibitor rilematovir showed a reduction of time to resolution of key RSV symptoms in a phase 2b trial (Nilsson et al., 2023). Sisunatovir (RV521) is a small molecule investigated in two phase 2 trials and showed safety and efficacy (NCT04267822, NCT04225897). However, the producing company withdrew the product due to strategic considerations (Cockerill et al., 2021). Ziresovir was safe and efficient in a phase 3 trial treating infants hospitalized with RSV (NCT04231968; Zheng et al., 2019; reviewed in Langedijk & Bond, 2021). China's National Medical Products Administration granted it priority review status in December 2022.
Literature References
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Langedijk, AC, Bont, LJ

Nat Rev Microbiol 2023
37422079 A pilot phase 2a, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to explore the antiviral activity, clinical outcomes, safety, and tolerability of rilematovir at two dose levels in non-hospitalized adults with respiratory syncytial virus infection

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  CDC Recommends RSV Vaccine For Older Adults

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA, The

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