AFG3L2:SPG7 binds SMDT1 (EMRE)

Stable Identifier
Reaction [binding]
Homo sapiens
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AFG3L2 and SPG7 (Paraplegin) subunits form a heterohexameric zinc metalloprotease that is anchored in the mitochondrial inner membrane and protrudes into the mitochondrial matrix (Atorino et al. 2003, Koppen et al. 2007). Each subunit of AFG3L2 and SPG7 contains a membrane-proximal protein unfolding ATPase domain and a membrane-distal protease domain (Karlberg et al. 2009, Puchades et al. 2019). The protein substrate threads through the central pore formed by ATPase domains in a processive and ATP-dependent manner(Puchades et al. 2019). The AFG3L2:SPG7 complex binds, unfolds, and degrades SMDT1 (EMRE), a mitochondria inner membrane localized regulatory subunit of the MCU complex (MCU:MCUB:MICU1:MICU2:SMDT1) that imports calcium into the mitochondrial matrix (Konig et al. 2016, Tsai et al. 2017).
Literature References
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Orthologous Events
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