NS1 (1C) binds to Mediator complex

Stable Identifier
Reaction [binding]
Homo sapiens
Related Species
Human respiratory syncytial virus A
Locations in the PathwayBrowser
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In the nucleus, human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) nonstructural protein 1C (NS1) binds to the Mediator complex through subunit MED25, but it also binds to other subunits. Mediator forms a bridge between transcription factors and the polymerase II complex. It is presently unclear how much binding of NS1 affects host gene transcription (Wu et al, 2012; Pei et al, 2021; Dong et al, 2022; Van Royen et al, 2022).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
22593156 The interactome of the human respiratory syncytial virus NS1 protein highlights multiple effects on host cell biology

Heesom, KJ, Teng, MN, Wu, W, Matthews, DA, Tran, KC, Barr, JN, Hiscox, JA

J Virol 2012
34644581 Nuclear-localized human respiratory syncytial virus NS1 protein modulates host gene transcription

Pichlmair, A, Andrews, JM, Payton, JE, Sheehan, KCF, Andrews, RD, Dorando, HK, Brody, SL, Beri, NR, Pan, J, Amarasinghe, GK, Pei, J, Zou, AJ, Hubel, P, Leung, DW, Bergant, V

Cell Rep 2021
36102648 An Unexpected Encounter: Respiratory Syncytial Virus Nonstructural Protein 1 Interacts with Mediator Subunit MED25

Van Haver, D, Lemmens, I, Impens, F, Saelens, X, Eyckerman, S, Van Royen, T, Toussaint, W, Sedeyn, K, Vuylsteke, M, Schepens, B, Moschonas, GD, Tavernier, J

J Virol 2022
35907573 Respiratory Syncytial Virus NS1 Protein Targets the Transactivator Binding Domain of MED25

Eléouët, JF, Galloux, M, Dong, J, Peres de Oliveira, A, Sizun, C, Vidalain, PO, Basse, V, Sibille, P, Bierre, M, Bajorek, M, Tangy, F

J Mol Biol 2022
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