PKR inhibitors bind PKR

Stable Identifier
Reaction [binding]
Homo sapiens
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Only a few FDA-approved small molecule inhibitors of PKR are currently available (reviewed by Wu, 2021). Sunitinib is a Type-1 kinase inhibitor, approved in 2006 for the treatment of cancer (Jha et al, 2011; Jha et al, 2013). Luteolin is a ubiquitous flavonoid with antimalarial activity (Dabo et al, 2017).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
37127961 Inhibition of RNA-binding proteins with small molecules

Wu, P

Nat Rev Chem 2020
29170442 Inhibition of the inflammatory response to stress by targeting interaction between PKR and its cellular activator PACT

Tible, M, Cassonnet, P, Hugon, J, Gatignol, A, Bigot, DJ, Maillard, P, Janvier, G, Helynck, O, Dabo, S, Mazouz, S, Hansen, MD, Collados Rodriguez, M, Munier-Lehmann, H, Patel, RC, Bellalou, J, Meurs, EF, Jacob, Y

Sci Rep 2017
21636578 Inhibition of RNase L and RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) by sunitinib impairs antiviral innate immunity

Silverman, RH, Sen, GC, Dong, B, Kessler, P, Polyakova, I, Dickerman, B, Jha, BK

J Biol Chem 2011
23732991 Suppression of antiviral innate immunity by sunitinib enhances oncolytic virotherapy

Silverman, RH, Dong, B, Polyakova, I, Jha, BK, Nguyen, CT

Mol Ther 2013
Orthologous Events
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