p-PKR dimer phosphorylates eIF2-alpha

Stable Identifier
Reaction [transition]
Homo sapiens
Related Species
Human respiratory syncytial virus A, Human cytomegalovirus
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Protein kinase R (PKR, EIF2AK2) must dimerize and autophosphorylate in order to become activated and subsequently phosphorylate translation initiation factor eIF2 subunit alpha (eIF2alpha, EIF2S1) at S51 (Dar et al, 2005). As a result, eIF2 forms a complex with its own guanine nucleotide exchange factor, eIF2B, which inhibits the recycling of GTP for GDP on eIF2 (reviewed in Dever, 2002). eIF2alpha phosphorylation by PKR is sufficient to induce apoptosis (Scheuner et al, 2006). The resulting inhibition of protein translation is not complete, however, as many transcripts involved in the stress response are not affected or are even preferentially translated by mechanisms involving upstream open reading frames (uORFs) (reviewed by Wek, 2018).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
29440070 Role of eIF2α Kinases in Translational Control and Adaptation to Cellular Stress

Wek, RC

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2018
11909525 Gene-specific regulation by general translation factors

Dever, TE

Cell 2002
16179258 Higher-order substrate recognition of eIF2alpha by the RNA-dependent protein kinase PKR

Sicheri, F, Dever, TE, Dar, AC

Cell 2005
16717090 Double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 mediates apoptosis

Kaufman, RJ, Nilsson, A, Wu, J, Kumar, K, Lee, K, Wang, F, Karin, M, Patel, R, Scheuner, D

J Biol Chem 2006
Catalyst Activity

protein kinase activity of p-EIF2AK2 dimer [cytosol]

This event is regulated
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