Polyadenylation of respiratory syncytial virus subgenomic positive-sense mRNAs

Stable Identifier
Reaction [omitted]
Homo sapiens
Related Species
Human respiratory syncytial virus A
Locations in the PathwayBrowser
SVG |   | PPTX  | SBGN
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The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase complex (RdRP) of the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) possesses poly(A) tail synthesis activity and all RSV mRNA, but not genomic RNAs, are polyadenylated (Mason et al. 2004). The polyA tail is present in 1C (NS1) mRNA (Dickens et al. 1984, Collins and Wertz 1985, Mason et al. 2004), 1B (NS2) mRNA (Dickens et al. 1984, Venkatesan et al. 1983, Collins and Wertz 1985, Mason et al. 2004), N mRNA (Dickens et al. 1984, Venkatesan et al. 1983, Mason et al. 2004), P mRNA (Dickens et al. 1984, Venkatesan et al. 1983, Mason et al. 2004), M mRNA (Dickens et a. 1984, Venkatesan et al. 1983, Mason et al. 2004), SH mRNA (Dickens et al. 1984, Mason et al. 2004), G mRNA (Dickens et al. 1984, Mason et al. 2004), F mRNA (Dickens et al. 1984, Mason et al. 2004), M2 mRNA (Dickens et al. 1984, Mason et al. 2004), and L mRNA (Dickens et al. 1984, Collins et al. 1987, Fearns and Collins 1999, Mason et al. 2004). The polyadenylation signal in M mRNA is not conserved (Satake and Venkatesan 1984). The polyadenylation signal is part of the gene end (GE) signal found at the end of each of the ten RSV genes (Kuo et al. 1996).
Literature References
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Catalyst Activity

poly(A) RNA polymerase activity of RSV m7G(5')pppGm-mRNAs:RdRP:p-M2-1 [cytosol]

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